Henry VIII Religious Policy

When was Henry made the Defender of the Faith?
1 of 15
Why was there increasing anti-clericalism?
Common lawyers objected to the influence of canon law and the clergy's legal privileges.
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What was the Hunne's case?
Richard Hunnes was found dead in the Bishop of London's prison. When it was determined that he had been murdered Parliament took up the case. It was resolved when Wolsey had to kneel and beg for forgiveness. No convictions were made.
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What was some evidence of corruption in the English Catholic Church?
Pluralism - receiving profits from more than one post. Simony - the purchasing of church offices. Absetneeism - receiving profits from a post but not carrying out the duties of it.
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What evidence is there of a decline in monasticism?
Wolsey had dissolved around 20 houses in the 1520s to fund Cardinal College.
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What evidence was there of English Protestantism prior to the Break with Rome?
Lollards, Intellectuals and German reformers.
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When was the Act of First Druits and Tenths? What did it mean?
1534 - allowed Henry to tax the church
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When and what was the Valor Ecclesiasticus?
1535 - the Value of the church.
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When and what was the Act for the Dissolution of smaller monasteries?
1536 - the closure of all monasteries worth below £200
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What did this provoke?
The Pilgrimage of Grace
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When was the Act for the Dissolution of Larger Monasteries?
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What was the last monastery to be dissolved?
Waltham Abbey
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Why was the Court of Augmentations established in 1540?
To handle the income from the dissolved monasteries.
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When and what was the Act in Restraint of Appeals to Rome?
1533 - tax money from churches would not be sent to Rome.
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When and what was the Act of Six Articles?
1539 - reestablished some of the catholic sacraments.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why was there increasing anti-clericalism?


Common lawyers objected to the influence of canon law and the clergy's legal privileges.

Card 3


What was the Hunne's case?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What was some evidence of corruption in the English Catholic Church?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What evidence is there of a decline in monasticism?


Preview of the front of card 5
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