Henry VII and the Church

How many parish churches were there?
over 8000
1 of 16
How did the church help social and political elites to maintain social control?
Encouragement of good behaviour, obedience and stress of value of community
2 of 16
What were the two most important things the church offered?
grace and purgatory
3 of 16
What are the 7 sacraments?
Baptism, confirmation, marriage, anointing, penance, holy orders and eucharist.
4 of 16
How much land in England did the church own?
1/3, 2nd biggest landowner after the crown
5 of 16
Examples of the role of the church in everyday life?
mass, education, providing housing, building, community work.
6 of 16
Why did people become benefactors and give money to the church?
to reduce time in purgatory
7 of 16
What was the Lollards aim for the bible and who was the founder?
To translate it into English, John Wycliffe
8 of 16
What was anti-clericalism criticisms of the church?
The catholic church was corrupt, denied the special status of the priest, sceptical of transubstantiation.
9 of 16
What were humanists concerns and beliefs?
belief in the catholic faith and free will
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name 2 early humanist scholars
William Grocyn (1449-1519) and Thomas Linacre (1460-1524)
11 of 16
What alternative system had more influence in England during Henry VII reign?
12 of 16
What changes took place in education?
53 new grammar schools in 1460-1509
after 1480 a more humanists approch
13 of 16
what was the most important subject taught at grammar schools?
14 of 16
which chapel did Henry VII commission?
Westminister abbey
15 of 16
what did William Caxton establish in 1478?
the printing press - could now spread ideas more quickley
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How did the church help social and political elites to maintain social control?


Encouragement of good behaviour, obedience and stress of value of community

Card 3


What were the two most important things the church offered?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the 7 sacraments?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How much land in England did the church own?


Preview of the front of card 5
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