How long have the Irish been arguing for home rule?
Since the Anglo-Normans (12th Century) invaded
1 of 12
What did Henry 8th and Elizabeth 1st do?
Plantations: they confiscated Irish land and handed it over to the English, Welsh and Scottish (mainly protestants in a Catholic Ireland)
2 of 12
What year was the riot against this and how many died?
1798 and 30,000 Irish were killed by the British at Vinegar Hill
3 of 12
When was the 'Act of Union'?
1800 - The Irish parliament merged with Westminster
4 of 12
What happened in 1919 (during WW1)?
'The War of Independence' - country was left divided which causes bitterness which led to Civil War (this time between those of difference in Irish descent)
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What were 'The Troubles'?
The Irish in the North rejecting British rule in Northern Ireland and was a violent 30 year war
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How did 'The Troubles' start?
A civil rights march in Londonderry on 5th October 1968
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How did 'The Troubles' end?
With the 'Good Friday Agreement' on the 10th April 1998
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What 3 things did the conflict create?
1) the death of the 10 hunger strikers 2) Bloody Sunday 3) The burning of Bombay Street
9 of 12
What are the years Heaney was alive?
1938 - 2013
10 of 12
Where did Heaney work before moving back to Belfast's Queen's University in 1971?
University of California, Berkeley
11 of 12
When did Heaney move out of the North to the South?
Heaney moved from Belfast to Wicklow in 1972
12 of 12

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Card 2


What did Henry 8th and Elizabeth 1st do?


Plantations: they confiscated Irish land and handed it over to the English, Welsh and Scottish (mainly protestants in a Catholic Ireland)

Card 3


What year was the riot against this and how many died?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When was the 'Act of Union'?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happened in 1919 (during WW1)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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