Other questions in this quiz

2. Why do you need more energy at 18 than at 80?

  • You need more energy to grow at 18.
  • You can't eat as much at 80
  • You have more money for food at 18
  • 18 year olds eat more in general.

3. What does 'malnourished' mean?

  • That you don't have a balanced diet
  • All of these
  • You don't eat enough food
  • You don't exercise

4. What do you need to be healthy?

  • All of these!
  • A balanced diet
  • Lots of exercise
  • The right amount of vitamins and minerals

5. Why do some people put on more weight than others?

  • The food they eat has more fat in it
  • They do less exercise
  • They have different metabolic rates
  • More money to buy more food


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