Health and social care

Primary socialisation
Family & religion
1 of 20
Secondary socialisation
Media, work, education & peers
2 of 20
effects of attitudes & beliefs on service users
health & well-being, self esteem & sense of empowerment, unfair treatment - direct and indirect discrimination
3 of 20
legislation for people with disabilities
Disability discrimination act
4 of 20
legislation for minority ethnic groups
Race relations act
5 of 20
legislation for men and women
Se discrimination act
6 of 20
legislation for older people
Equality bill
7 of 20
legislation for children
Children Act 2004
8 of 20
When should confidential information be passed on?
when the service user is at risk of harm, when others may be at risk of harm, when service user is at risk of harming others & when the service user is inteding to or is committing a serious crime
9 of 20
factors that affect health
attitude & predjudice, lifestyle choice, social factors, environmental factors, finacial factors and physical factors
10 of 20
an unfavourable opinion of, or an attitude of dislike towards others. usually unreasonable and unfair judgements which are not based on accurate information or fact.
11 of 20
a fixed or conventional notion of a person or group, allowing for no individuality.
12 of 20
Types of discrimination
Direct, in-direct, harassment & victimisation
13 of 20
The unfair treatment or neglect of certain groups of people in society
14 of 20
FORM of discrimination
gender, age, sexuality, religion, race, ethnicity, social status
15 of 20
BEHAVOIRS of discrimination
Avoiding, belittling, verbal & physical abuse ignoring or excluding & negative non-verbal abuse.
16 of 20
ways to prevent discrimination
Legislations, policies & procedures, education & training
17 of 20
Anti-discriminatory practice
A method of practice that does not allow discrimination to exist (Treats people fairly and equitably)
18 of 20
Helping people to maintain independence and dignity; Allowing them to make decisions about their care, giving them choices and take control of their lives.
19 of 20
Children Act 2004; Every child matters
SHEEP; stay safe, be healthy, enjoy and acheieve, econimcally aware & positive contribution
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Media, work, education & peers


Secondary socialisation

Card 3


health & well-being, self esteem & sense of empowerment, unfair treatment - direct and indirect discrimination


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Disability discrimination act


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Race relations act


Preview of the back of card 5
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Kelvin Crick


Very helpful, for refreshing my mind! :D

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