Health and social care: Unit 1

  • Created by: 11salmaa
  • Created on: 20-06-15 17:54
How many life stages are there?
1 of 60
What is the life stage of 1-2 years?
2 of 60
What is the life stage of 3-8 years?
early childhood
3 of 60
What is the life stage of 9-18 years?
4 of 60
What is the life stage of 19-45 years?
early adulthood
5 of 60
What is the life stage of 45-65 years?
middle adulthood
6 of 60
What is the life stage of 65+ years?
later adult hood
7 of 60
It means an increase in physical size for example height or weight.
8 of 60
It means an increase in skills, abilities and emotions.
9 of 60
The period of time between birth and death.
10 of 60
One of a number of distinct phases people pass through during their lives.
life stage
11 of 60
Something that has an influence on other things.
12 of 60
The influence of our genes.
13 of 60
The influence of our environment.
14 of 60
The acronym of physical, intellectual, emotional and social.
15 of 60
Anything to do with the body. Usually relates to growth and development.
16 of 60
Relates to the mind learning and thinking.
17 of 60
Relates to our feelings and self-image.
18 of 60
Relates to the relationships we have throughout our lives.
19 of 60
Use of large muscles.
Gross motor skills
20 of 60
Use of small muscles
Fine motor skills
21 of 60
An automatic uncontrollable (without thinking) response to a physical change. (e.g.
22 of 60
This occurs when a baby is startled. It throws out its arms and legs, then pull them back with fingers curled.
Moro Reflex
23 of 60
The baby will grasp an object placed in the hand. An example is a soft toy.
Grasp reflex
24 of 60
What do you lose as you grow up.
25 of 60
When a baby is held with its feet touching the ground its legs will make forward movements as if walking.
walking reflex
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Normally occurs during infancy. Infants will play by themselves. E.g playing with little toys.
Solitary play
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When children play next to each other but not together. E.g one child play with building blocks the other with a doll.
parallel play
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When children play together. E.g. a game of tag.
co-operative play
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A type of play that allows children to learn about the world around them. E.g. playing house and mimicking adults.
Pretend play
30 of 60
A division of a society based on social and economic status.
social class
31 of 60
Despite benefits, having insufficient money to afford essentials to live.
32 of 60
Money earned over a long period of time.
33 of 60
Work that requires the use of physical skills.
manual work
34 of 60
Being rich and having plentiful supplies of goods and money.
35 of 60
Work that depends primarily on mental skills.
non manual work
36 of 60
The chemicals made in our body which cause and control changes.
37 of 60
When the uterus lining breaks down and blood cells leave the body through the vagina.
38 of 60
Feelings such as happiness and sadness.
39 of 60
The time of change from a child to an adult. Both our bodies and our emotions change.
40 of 60
The first stage of adolescence when our bodies start to change.
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Children are all born with a complete set of this. However, it doesn't become active until the ages of 10-18
sex organs
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This is a organ located in men which make sperm cells.
43 of 60
This is a organ located in women which make egg cells.
44 of 60
Male hormone.
45 of 60
Female hormone.
46 of 60
Not married but living together.
47 of 60
The biological change that takes place over time to the human body affecting its structure and function.
Ageing process
48 of 60
The natural and permanent stopping of menstruation (periods) occurring usually between the ages 45 and 55.
49 of 60
The feeling of loss when one or more children leave the family home.
Empty nest syndrome
50 of 60
A dramatic period of self doubt caused by the passing of youth and the move into later adulthood.
Mid-life crisis
51 of 60
A unique emotional relationship between a baby and its primary carer.
52 of 60
This type of attachment sets your baby for life: eagerness to learn, healthy self awareness, trust and consideration for others.
53 of 60
This type of attachment fails to meet the infants need for safety and understanding. Confusion in their own identity, difficulties learning and relating to others in later life.
54 of 60
When your tone of voice, gestures and emotions is picked up by the child.
non-verbal attachment
55 of 60
The transmission of a particular quality or trait from parent to offspring through their genes.
56 of 60
Being unhealthily overweight.
57 of 60
An organised community.
58 of 60
A persons sex (male/female) or nature.
59 of 60
An illness or sickness.
60 of 60

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the life stage of 1-2 years?



Card 3


What is the life stage of 3-8 years?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the life stage of 9-18 years?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the life stage of 19-45 years?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




You got the first question wrong, there are actually SIX life stages, even you included only six as well. Please double check this resource, others are trying to get a good grade and this is ruining the chance to do so (not trying to be mean, just stating the truth). I'm looking at the specification and a GCSE Edexcel H&S textbook.



Sorry, for the mistake. I didn't realise at all. Thank you for pointing it out.:)

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