Keywords: Understanding Personal Development and Relationships

Key Terms taken from resources given out in class, resources found online, and past papers.

I realise there will be more key terms, if anyone wants me to add anything or disagrees with a definition please contact me/ leave a comment.

  • Created by: RebeccaKS
  • Created on: 31-03-18 16:29
Abstract Thinking
High level thinking ability that enables a person to think about issues, problems or situations that are hypothetical
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Associative Play
Play based on imitation and pretending
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Blended Family
2 Families coming together- contains step-siblings
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Care Values
Care practitioners must apply these to their daily work. E.g. respect, confidentiality
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Cooperative Play
Children working together with the same objective
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A shared way of life, sharing common values, customs, and beliefs.
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Developmental Norms
A milestone when a particular change is expected. E.g. puberty
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Only thinks about the 'self', but does not think about the emotions and needs of others. Selfish.
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Ability to see/think from another's perspective
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Process of supporting and giving choice and decision-making powers to individuals or groups
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Social profile that can be used to classify people according to their social and cultural heritage
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Fine Motor Skills
Movements of smaller bones- fingers. E.g. holding a spoon
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Genetic Inheritance
Genes received from biological parents
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Gross Motor Skills
Movements using bigger bones/ Whole body movements. E.g. jumping
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Gradual stopping of the menstrual cycle. Typically occurs between age 45-55
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Object Permanence
Awareness that objects continue to exist even when they are no longer visible
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Bone disease that weakens the bones and leads to increased risk of fracture
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Parallel Play
Children playing alongside, but not directly with each other
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Peer Group Pressure
A peer group having emotional and moral influence on an individual
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Percentile Charts
AKA Centile charts. Used to record and compare the growth pattern of an infant
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Postcode Lottery
Differing chances of health care provision depending on where a person lives
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Professional Referral
A care professional referring a patient to a different care practitioner
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Process of maturation. Secondary sexual characteristics develop and reproductive organs become functional
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Loss of a job due to company liquidation or no longer having a requirement for position
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A person chooses to stop employment
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Combination of self-image and self-esteem that together produce a sense of self-identity
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Sense of self-worth or value that a person attributes to themselves
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Way a person views themselves
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You, yourself requesting an appointment with a care practitioner (usually a GP)
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Sexual Orientation
A person's sexual preference
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Social Class
Person's position in society, that is determined by economic circumstances
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Statutory Sector
Services provided to all and is funded by the government. E.g. NHS
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Increasing skills and abilities.
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Accustom an infant to food other than its mother's milk
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Cognitive Development
Development of intelligence, conscious thought and problem solving ability that begins in infancy
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Attachment Relationship
Infant develops feelings of trust and security with a parent/carer
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Sensorimotor Stage
Infants learn about themselves and the world around them through their senses and physical activity
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Physical Development
Internal body development or physical changes
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Intellectual Development
Stimulating the brain
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Emotional Developement
Ability to express and read emotions. Developing feelings and reactions to events
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Social Development
Ability to talk to others and develop teamwork/friendship skills
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Refers to the behaviour society expects from men and women
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A set of beliefs and values that a community follows, usually involves belief in a higher power and how the universe was created
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Kinds of food that someone habitually eats.
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Sexual Health
(Hard to define.) Involves being happy and safe sexually; consensual sex, masturbation, having enough information about sex, being able to communicate, knowing how to prevent unplanned pregnancies and STDs
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Money received from work/investments on a regular basis
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Lacking resources, such as money
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Absolute Poverty
Having insufficient income to support basic, daily living needs
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Relative Poverty
Living below the standard of accepted normal living in a particular society
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Social Exclusion
Being unable to participate fully in society for a number of reasons. Reasons often include; poverty, unemployment, poor housing, poor educational achievement
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Social Isolation
An individual being nearly/completely alone from/not having contact with society
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Lone Parent Family
A single parent bringing up their child
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Nuclear Family
Regarded as a basic social unit; a couple and their dependant children
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Foster Family
A family providing custody or guardianship for children whose parents are unable to look after them
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Extended Family
A family extending beyond the nuclear family to include grandparents and other relatives
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Close Friends
Often shared values/interests, but these are trusted confidants
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People we know but do not spend time with
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Social Friends
Not confidants, though do share values/interests
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People met from time to time, that you know superficially
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Sorrow/feelings you feel when someone close has died
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Living together and not being married
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Increase in height and weight
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Life Stage
Periods of time in a person's life where specific developments are expected
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Growth Spurt
Rapid increase in height and mass in adolescence and childhood
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An unit of heredity that is transferred from parent to offspring and determines some of the offspring's characteristics
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Your parent/parents' child and your brother or sister
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Play based on imitation and pretending


Associative Play

Card 3


2 Families coming together- contains step-siblings


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Care practitioners must apply these to their daily work. E.g. respect, confidentiality


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Children working together with the same objective


Preview of the back of card 5
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