Group 1 (Alkali Metals)

  • Created by: emily
  • Created on: 09-03-13 20:01
What are some properties/features of alkali metals?
Silvery solids,stored in oil,handled with forceps/burn skin,and have LOW DENSITY,ONE outer electron
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What are the trends in group 1?
As you down GROUP 1 they become MORE REACTIVE because the OUTER ELECTRON is more easily LOST as it's FURTHER from the nucleus,also DOWN=LOWER melting/boiling points
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What are some of the alkali metals in group 1?
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What do alkali metals form with non-metals?
IONIC COMPOUNDS;want to LOSE their ONE outer electron to have 1+ ion,ALWAYSSSSS form ionic bonds-white compounds which dissolve in water>>>colourless solutions
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When alkali metals react with water what happens;products,reaction,testing etc?
*produces HYDROGEN GAS *Lithium,sodium,potassium>>water=VIGOROUS(float,move,FIZZ) Lighted splint=hydrogen test(squeaky pop as H2 ignites)*Form HYDROXIDES,dissolve in water =alkaline solutions
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the trends in group 1?


As you down GROUP 1 they become MORE REACTIVE because the OUTER ELECTRON is more easily LOST as it's FURTHER from the nucleus,also DOWN=LOWER melting/boiling points

Card 3


What are some of the alkali metals in group 1?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do alkali metals form with non-metals?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


When alkali metals react with water what happens;products,reaction,testing etc?


Preview of the front of card 5


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