Topic 5 - Greenhouse effect

  • Created by: sakiya
  • Created on: 03-02-19 18:05
What is the greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse gases prevents infrared radiation from escaping the atmosphere forming the greenhouse effect in which the Earth is kept warm.
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What is the troposphere?
The inner atmosphere (15km)
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What is the stratosphere?
The outer atmosphere (35km)
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What happens to the UV light and visible radiation from the sun?
Most of the UV light is absorbed by the ozone in the stratosphere or the Earth's surface which warms up the earth, some is reflected by the earth or clouds.
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What happens to the infrared radiation from the Earth?
Some of the infrared radiation is emitted by the Earth's surface cooling down the Earth, some is absorbed by the greenhouse gases warming the troposphere.
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What is the global warming potential?
Is a measure of the greenhouse effect caused by that gas relative to the same amount of carbon dioxide over a given time.
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How does carbon dioxide have the largest effect on atmosphere?
Even though carbon dioxide has the lowest global warming potential it is the most abundant in the atmosphere and therefore has the largest effect.
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Why can an increased greenshouse effect be harmful?
More greenhouse gases results in more infrared radiation being absorbed which can lead to global warming, ozone depletion can also lead to harmful UV radiation entering the earth preventing from temperatures increasing quickly.
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How is carbon dioxide produced?
Combustion of fossil fuels, deforestation, decomposition, increased volcanic activity, increased amount of acid rain (limestone weathers away which then releases carbon dioxide), increased temperature of sea water means CO2 becomes less soluble.
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How is methane produced?
By the anaerobic decomposition of organic material in waterlogged conditions (by microbes).
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Give examples of ways in which methane is produced.
Cattle fluctuance, decomposition rice paddy fields, waste in landfill sites, animal waste and peat bogs.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the troposphere?


The inner atmosphere (15km)

Card 3


What is the stratosphere?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens to the UV light and visible radiation from the sun?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens to the infrared radiation from the Earth?


Preview of the front of card 5
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