
Who is the Witan?
A council that advised the King. It was made up on aristocrats, earls and archbishop
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What did the Witan discuss?
Threats from foreign powers, religious affairs, land disputes & how to settle them, approving a new king
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Social functions
Shires had their own courts for trying cases+ giving punishments
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Political functions
Shire reevs acted as Kings representatives
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Economic functions
Shires had a burh (fortified town) as its trading centre
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Military functions
Shire sprovided troops for the fyrd
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What were shires divided into?
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What were hundreds divided into?
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What are tithings?
Units of ten house holds
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What did each hide of land carry?
Obligations: payment of tax and military service
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Who are shire reeves (sheriffs)?
The king's local government officials
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What fines did shire reeves (sheriffs) collect?
collect geld tax, fines from the shire court, revenues from the King's land,
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What else did shire reeves (sheriffs) do?
enorcing & witnessing the law at the shire court, providing men for the fyrd and the upkeep of roads and fortifications
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What the king issue orders to shire reeves through?
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Each group of 5 hides had to do what?
Provide one man for the fyrd
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Wht is the select fyrd?
Gathered men to fight anywhere in England for the king
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What is the general fyrd?
Gathered men to fight who didn't travel outside their local area
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What was the select fyrd made up of?
Thegns and their followers
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What is a disadvantage of the fyrd?
If men stayed away for so long, the farms would start to suffer - especially at harvest time
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How long was the mens service?
40 days, after which a fyrd would be disbanded
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What did the Saxons expect of the King?
To provide peace and justice
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What are blood feuds?
A revenge system
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Explain blood feuds
If someone was killed, the victims family had the right to kill someone from the murderer's family who then had the right to revenge themselves and so on
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What was the solution to blood feuds?
Wergild - the victims family were paid compensation by the murderer's family instead
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What is the hue and cry
It was the duty of ALL members of a tithing to hunt for the criminal when a crime was committed
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Give an example of collective responsibility
If someone from a village refused to join the generagl fyrd there would be consequences for everyone in the tithing
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did the Witan discuss?


Threats from foreign powers, religious affairs, land disputes & how to settle them, approving a new king

Card 3


Social functions


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Political functions


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Economic functions


Preview of the front of card 5
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