Governing the UK: The Composition of the House of Commons

It is important that the background and the composition of the House of Commons is fully understood, as this knowledge is a strong foundation for the rest of the module.

  • Created by: Joe Brown
  • Created on: 25-05-11 20:36

1. The House of Commons is often referred to as the 'Upper House'.

  • False
  • True
1 of 10

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of the following 'Arms of State' does the House of Commons belong to?

  • Legislature
  • Executive
  • Juiciary

3. What sort of legislature operates in the UK?

  • Tetracameral
  • Unicameral
  • Bicameral
  • Tricameral

4. How many MPs currently sit in the House of Commons?

  • 650
  • 655
  • 660
  • 640
  • 645

5. In which circumstance would a by-election NOT be called?

  • The former MP has been imprisoned
  • The former MP has stepped down
  • The former MP has died
  • The former MP has been removed from Parliament




This is very good, a good all round Q & A

Kara - Louise Royle


An excellent revision technique!



very good a litle labour bias but who cares

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