Gould's Review Of Yerkes' Intelligence Tests

What is a hereditarian?
Someone who believes that intelligence is caused by genetics
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Why did Yerkes create his intelligence test?
To solidify psychology as a science by creating an objective test that can be used to determine intelligence
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What was Yerkes' sample?
1.75 million soldiers
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What did the Army Alpha test consist of?
A written test encompassing filling in missing numbers in a sequence, completing analogies etc.
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What did the Army Beta consist of?
A pictorial test consisting of completing a maze, number tasks, complete-a-picture etc.
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What did the individual examination consist of?
A spoken test
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How many sections were in the Army Alpha and Beta tests?
8 and 7
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Who took the Army Alpha?
Literate recruits
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Who took the Army Beta?
Illiterate Participants/those who failed the Army Alpha
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Who took the Individual Examination?
Those who failed the Army Beta
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What was the average mental age of White Americans?
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What was the average mental age for Black Americans?
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What were the results largely used for?
To decide which role each participant got
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How did the government use the results of Yerkes' study?
To create a law resulting in more control over immigration
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What Correlation did Gould find which counters the Hereditarian view?
The longer participants were in America, the better they scored
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To what extent where the protocols for assigning tests adhered to?
Many people were given the wrong test, and many who failed a test weren't given another
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What did was someone who a got a C assigned as?
Ordinary Private
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What research method was used by Yerkes?
Psychometric Testing
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why did Yerkes create his intelligence test?


To solidify psychology as a science by creating an objective test that can be used to determine intelligence

Card 3


What was Yerkes' sample?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did the Army Alpha test consist of?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Army Beta consist of?


Preview of the front of card 5
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