Individual differences - Gould (1982)

  • Created by: Rosa335
  • Created on: 12-06-17 09:42
Outline the Aim of Yerke's study
To devise a scientific way to test the natural traits of intelligence on a mass scale
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What was Gould's aim?
To expose fundamental problems involved in the attempts to measure intelligence
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Outline Gould's research method
Review article looking at the history of Yerkes intelligence testing
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Outline the sample used by Yerkes
1.75 million army recruits. All in the USA during WW1. Included white americans 'negroes' and european immigrants
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What did the Army Alpha test consist of?
literate recruits. 8 parts. Included items such as analogies, filling in the next number in a sequence etc. required a good basic understanding of English language skills and literacy these were extremely biased towards american culture
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What did the Army Beta test consist of?
illiterates or failed the Army Alpha Test. 7 parts and consisted of picture completion, maze running, cube counting, numerals into symbols, finding next symbol in a series. Cultural Biased and impossible for people who may've never held a pen before
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Outline the individual spoken examination
People who failed both. Every individual was given a Grade from A to E, with plus and minus signs. However this was rarely administered.
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Outline some of the problems with the administration of the tests
Some men (especially 'black' men) weren't allowed to re-take the army beta test. Often illiterates who failed alpha test weren't administered to beta test or individual examinations which meant they always had a low score. Inconsistencies in administ
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Who analysed the data?
EG Boring
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Outline the results of Yerkes intelligence tests
Average mental age of white American was 13 (on the point of 'morron') Darker people from south europe and slavs were found to be less intelligent than northern/western europe people. Lighter skin was associated with higher score.
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What were the consequences of these results?
Immigration restriction act (people who scored low were no longer welcome in America), By the end of the war, two thirds of the men who had promoted were those who had taken the tests and achieved good test results.
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What were some of the conclusions of Gould?
IQ tests are culturally and historically biased. IQ tests do not measure innate intelligence. IQ testing is often unreliable. IQ tests may not produce valid results. Inappropriate, poorly administered IQ tests can lead to tragic consequences
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Card 2


What was Gould's aim?


To expose fundamental problems involved in the attempts to measure intelligence

Card 3


Outline Gould's research method


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Card 4


Outline the sample used by Yerkes


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Army Alpha test consist of?


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