Globalisation, Modernity and Postmodernity

Modernity and Globalisation
1 of 56
When did Modernity emerge?
late 18th C.
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what progressed the change from modernity and what was it?
Englightenment project where society progressed through science and rationality
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What does the enlightenment project of science and rationality seek to find?
the truth
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What are the 3 things modern sociologists are concerned with?
production of objective and valid knowledge, knowledge is produced through scientific methods, and knowledge can be used to make society better
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Provide some examples
positivist and methods like structured interviews
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Name 5 characteristics of a modern society
Nation-state, capitalism, mass production, individualism, rationality science and technology
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Globalization & modernity
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Explain the recent technological changes
cross continent in hours, access global information
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However, what does Beck believe technological changes have led to?
risk society eg. Green Crime
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Provide examples of economic changes in globalization
moved beyond physical goods and towards electronic goods eg. Music
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Name the political changes from globalization
nation-states lost full control of borders, less able to regulate the activities of large corporations
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Name some changes in culture and identity
'mass culture' created by the media spreading western ideologies around the globe overriding traditional identities like class
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When was postmodernity and what was it defined by?
1900's, science and rationality provide truth about society
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Why do postmodernists believe there is no objective truth?
different competing ways of looking at things
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Provide an example relating to science
fighting for scientific knowledge to be seen as truth and accepted 'grand theory'
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Why do postmodernists reject metanarratives?
a different interpretation of the same event, no problem in society to solve if no objective knowledge
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Why does Lyotard (1992) reject metanarratives?
marginalized groups to be heard but metanarratives claim the truth cab be imposed by force
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Who argues the thing about the media?
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what does he argue about the media (hyper-reality)?
the creation of a hyper-reality means it is difficult to distinguish between truth and 'reality'
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what can become more truth than reality? Fancy word
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What is identity now based on rather than traditional identities (meaning they are on the deline)?
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How has the social world died?
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Evaluating postmodernism
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Why are postmodernists good in terms of the older perspectives?
re-evaluating older perspectives who ignore the late and early 20th and 21st C.
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Why do some believe it exaggerates the extent of social change?
not a complete break from moderity
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What identities does it underestimate the importance of and its huge impact?
class gender and ethnicity
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Marxists argue that postmodernists ignore power and inequality, provide an example
media images by the R/C for domination
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Critism of Baudrillard
not everyone passive robots and can distinguish relaity
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Theories of Late modernity
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Theories of Late modernity
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society has always changed but what do they believe the pace of change is now?
rapid 'overdrive'
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Why do late modernists believe the enlightenment project can still be achieved?
discover objective knowledge and use it to improve society
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What are the 2 characteristics Giddens believe is in Late modernity?
disembedding and relexitvity
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What is disembedding?
today we no longer need face-to-face contact to interact. More impersonal due to the breakdown of geographical barriers eg. online uni
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What does Giddens believe disembedding has a bed to the increase in?
tradition is no longer important as we are not tied to traditionalist things like women not expected to be houseives
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What is reflexivity?
process of constantly reflexity on ideals, beliefs, and actions in light of new world knowledge around the world
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thus, what is society?
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What is reflexivity do to society ?
make it more unstable
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What does Beck mean by 'risk society'?
manufactured risks caused by globalization eg. climate change
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What is the media's role in a risk society according to Beck?
they find and use scapegoats for these problems
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What does BEck argue we need to overcome the problems posed in the 'risk society'?
reflexivity and rationality to overcome them
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Evaluation of late modernity
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Why might reflexivity and rationality no be able to remove risks for all?
not everyone has the opportunity to shape own lives or remove themselves from risk
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What does Rustin Criticise late modernity for (Marxists)?
technology, is not the root of these issues but capitalism and the pursuit of profit
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Marxism theories on Postmodernity
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What is postmodernity?
late 1980's onwards, no objective criteria to prove truth. there is no truth in knowledge
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What dies Jameson and Harvey (1998) believe postmodernity is rather than a fundamental break from the past?
another stage of capitalism
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What was there in the 1970's and how does this link with postmodernism?
capitalist crisis - when postmodernism emerged
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Provide an example ,( Cars)
post-Fordist production (use of skilled workers and diversity) form Fordist production (assembly lines
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What do Marxists argue post-fordists has also caused insecurity?
because it has increased job insecurity due to it need flexibility
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What type of cultural characteristics are made and commodities as brought about?
diversity, choice and instability and identities commodified
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What are the political changes has Marxists argue postmodernity has brought?
W/C and socialist movements have weakened and environmentalist, feminist and anti-racist campaigns are stronger
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What 2 things do Marxists still believe in?
enlightenment and their truth
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Evaluation: what do Macotsts do that postmodernists fail to do?
accepts class has delined and offered analysis
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When did Modernity emerge?


late 18th C.

Card 3


what progressed the change from modernity and what was it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the enlightenment project of science and rationality seek to find?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the 3 things modern sociologists are concerned with?


Preview of the front of card 5
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