
  • Created by: rosie200
  • Created on: 20-03-17 17:17
Global flows
The movement of goods and services, finance and people
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Trade agreements such as those within the EU and other regional trade blocs.
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Skype, the internet the same format and programmes are used globally
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The spread of democracy, close links between governments
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Music, films, fashion and the spread of western culture.
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Free flow of labor e,g, EU migration
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State led investment
Governments invest massive amounts of money into trades creating state led companies e.g. Sinopec in China
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Trade bloc
Type of intergovernmental agreement where regional barriers to trade are reduced/eliminated among the participated states.
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Non-Governmental Organisations
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North America Free Trade Agreemnt
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North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
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Economic center of Gravity
The average location of economic activity across geographies on Earth.The calculations take into account the GDP produced on this planet
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The movement of a person/s from one place to another, involving a permanent change of address.
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Increasing integration of economies around the world through the movement of goods and services and capital across the border
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Money that migrants send home to their families.
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If two places become over-reliant on financial and/or political connections with one another.
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Economic globalisation
ICT allows managers of distant offices and plants to keep in touch more easily
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Social Globalisation
Maintaining of long-distance relationships through ICT use e.g. social media and emails.
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Cultural globalisation
Cultural traits such as language and music, are adopted and imitated.
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Political globalisation
Social networks are used to raise awareness about political issues and to fight on a global scale.
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Foreign direct investment
A financial injection made by a TNC into a nation's economy, to build new facilities or to merge with an existing firm.
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BRICS group
The four large,fast growing economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China joined at their meeting by South Africa.
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Expulsion of an undesirable alien from a country.
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The membership of a nation where you have the right to work and live in a country and able to take part in a political life.
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Protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a poltical refugee
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The act of returning to the country of origin
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A trade bloc, Fre trade and migration and 27 counties.
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Net Migration
Difference between number of immigrants and emigrants.
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A population of over 10 million people
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A city with a population of over 5 million
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Global Hub
A highly globally connected city or homer region of a large globally connected community
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Absolute poverty
When a persons income is too low for basic human needs to be met.
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Millenium Development Goals
8 specific objectives for the global community at the UN Millennium summit in 2000.
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Relative poverty
When a person's income is too low to maintain the average standard living in a particular society.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Trade agreements such as those within the EU and other regional trade blocs.



Card 3


Skype, the internet the same format and programmes are used globally


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Card 4


The spread of democracy, close links between governments


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Music, films, fashion and the spread of western culture.


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