Global interactions - at the local level

he adaptation of a global product for a local market place. The word comes from an amalgamation of the words globalisation and localisation.
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The spread of economic, cultural and social ideas across the world
2 of 10
The act of operating locally in terms of employees, product, supply of raw materials, etc.
3 of 10
Hyperglobalists/Capitalists/Free marketeers
These are people that are all firmly in favour of a free market system with no or very little government intervention. These groups often blame economic problems on too much intervention
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They accept the existence of the current globalised system, but would like it altered in some way. This maybe greater government regulation, more stringent environmental controls or greater local production
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Civil Society
Any organisation or movement that works in the area between the household, the private sector and the state to negotiate matters of public concern.
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Trade Union
An organisation where workers have grouped together in order to achieve common goals. This might be improved pay, better safety, longer holidays, protection from lawsuits, etc.
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Faith Based Organisation
A group that is based on certain religious beliefs. Faith based organisations like Christian Aid may have certain beliefs, but it doesn't necessarily stop them from supporting people with alternative beliefs.
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Community Group
Organisation based in local areas. Community groups may provide local services like handing out food to the elderly or running sports clubs for children.
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Groups that are critical of the current capitalist globalised system
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Card 2


The spread of economic, cultural and social ideas across the world



Card 3


The act of operating locally in terms of employees, product, supply of raw materials, etc.


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Card 4


These are people that are all firmly in favour of a free market system with no or very little government intervention. These groups often blame economic problems on too much intervention


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Card 5


They accept the existence of the current globalised system, but would like it altered in some way. This maybe greater government regulation, more stringent environmental controls or greater local production


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