Other questions in this quiz

2. when was the GDR set up?

  • 13th oct 1949
  • 3rd nov 1949
  • 3rd oct 1949
  • 29th oct 1949

3. when did germany surrender?

  • 8 may 1946
  • 1st may 1945
  • 8 may 1945
  • 18th may 1944

4. how much industry did the ussr take back to their country> from GDR?

  • 1/3
  • 1/4
  • 1/2

5. what year was the marshall plan?

  • 1947
  • 1946
  • 1945




Some of the answers are wrong, the GDR were set up on the 7th October 1949.

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