Geology AS Revision Unit 1

Revision for AS Level Geology Unit 1

Contents: Earth Structure; Earthquakes; Plate tectonics, Sea Floor Spreading and Continental Drift; Geological Structures.

  • Created by: Chris
  • Created on: 12-03-11 19:47
How old is the Solar System?
4600 million years
1 of 24
After a Meteorite Impact, what is the name given to the inverted rock?
Impact Ejecta
2 of 24
What sequence of Rocks make up the oceanic crust?
Basalt, Dolerite, Gabbro
3 of 24
Is the Density of Oceanic Crust 2.7g/cm3?
4 of 24
Where is the Mohorovicic Discontinuity located?
35km between the crust and upper mantle
5 of 24
What percentage of the Asthenosphere is partially melted?
6 of 24
Where is the P and S Shadow zone from the epicentre after an earthquake?
103" - 142"
7 of 24
Can Magnetic Stripes found in the ocean crust be used as evidence for Sea Floor Spreading?
8 of 24
At what depth do S waves stop moving?
9 of 24
What is the name of the zone in a subducting plate where the most Earthquake Focus' are?
10 of 24
What is the scale called that is measured on the observed intensity of an Earthquake?
11 of 24
What device measures the ground motion?
12 of 24
What are hotspots?
Volcanic regions thought to be fed by underlying mantle that is anomalously hot compared with the mantle elsewhere.
13 of 24
What is the average age of Oceanic Crust?
200 million years
14 of 24
What is the average age of Continental Crust
4000 million years
15 of 24
What is a Seamount?
An underwater Volcano at sea level
16 of 24
Where is the Ring of Fire, and what is it?
A ring of volcanos surrounding the Pacific Plate
17 of 24
When did the K-T impact event occur?
65 million years ago
18 of 24
What is a large body of magma called?
19 of 24
What are Xenoliths
Angular Fragments of Bed rock in a magma Body
20 of 24
In what direction does slate cleave?
at 90" to the direction of stress
21 of 24
You are stood on a fold's axial plane trace. The rock layers dip away from you at 60" and 30" what kind of fold is it?
An Asymmtric Antiform
22 of 24
You are at a tear fault. The bed rock seems to have been displaced to the right, what type of tear fault is it?
Dextral Tear Fault
23 of 24
Is it a Dome or a Basin when the rock dips towards you?
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


After a Meteorite Impact, what is the name given to the inverted rock?


Impact Ejecta

Card 3


What sequence of Rocks make up the oceanic crust?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Is the Density of Oceanic Crust 2.7g/cm3?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where is the Mohorovicic Discontinuity located?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




This is a great starting point for revising unit 1 and it helps you to pick out your strengths and weaknesses :)



Cheers glad I can help :) I will probably make a Unit 2 one soon



That would be really helpful :)

Jan Hayes


Really useful thanks



Really helpful, there aren't many geology resources out there, but this made a nice change

Sarah Curtis


that was quite hard

Genny Michaels


very useful way of revising, thank you

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