Other questions in this quiz

2. What is Freeze thaw weathering?

  • When water fills a crack and then freezes, which makes it expand and forces the rock apart
  • When a rock is frozen and breaks because of teh cold temperatures
  • When the rock freezes and breaks because of pressure

3. Is onion skin weathering when the top layer of rock is heated and expands and then cools and contracts making the layer of rock peel off like an onion skin?

  • True
  • False

4. What is the only type of biological weathering?

  • When plant roots grow down into cracks in rocks and force them apart with their roots
  • when acid rain erodes rocks like limestone
  • When rocks bash against eachother

5. Is Chemical weathering when Scientists pour chemicals on rocks to erode them?

  • Yes it is :)
  • No it is when acid rain dissolves rock like limestone
  • No- it is when animals naturally let out chemicals to erode rocks


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