Geography: Tectonics

Define a natural hazard.
"A natural hazard is a naturally occurring process or event which has the potential to cause loss of life and/or property. (Bishop 2001)
1 of 9
List as many natural hazards as a result of climate as possible.
Typhoon, Cyclone, Flooding, Forest Fires, Drought, Tornado.
2 of 9
List as many natural hazards as a result of tectonic movements as possible.
Earthquake, Volcanoes, Tsunami's,.
3 of 9
What other sources of natural hazards are there? Give Examples.
Extra terrestrial (Asteroid/Meteor), Geomorphic (Rockfall,Landslide).
4 of 9
Name the three movements that ensure the movement of plates around the surface of the earth.
Ridge push, Slab pull, Plate drag.
5 of 9
What is ridge push?
The force applied to plates at spreading centres.
6 of 9
How does ridge push affect plate movement?
As Plates separate, new, hotter material is extruded into the gap between plates. The elevated temperatures lower the density of the recently deposited material, causing it to float higher in the mantle; Hence the formation of ridges.
7 of 9
What is slab pull?
The process where by plates are pulled away from their divergent point.
8 of 9
How does slab pull work?
Subduction zones typically occur a long distance away from spreading centres, where the plates have had plenty of time to cool off.Lower temperature makes the plate more dense than the material beneath it, causing it to subduct into the mantle.
9 of 9

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Card 2


List as many natural hazards as a result of climate as possible.


Typhoon, Cyclone, Flooding, Forest Fires, Drought, Tornado.

Card 3


List as many natural hazards as a result of tectonic movements as possible.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What other sources of natural hazards are there? Give Examples.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name the three movements that ensure the movement of plates around the surface of the earth.


Preview of the front of card 5
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