Geography Revision Year 8 (Tectonic Plates)

A revision Quiz for my Geography assessment on Tectonic Plates. Covers everything I have learnt in Geography.

Who created a theory on Tectonic Plates?
Alfred Wagner
1 of 10
Name the two land masses that have split from Pangaea.
Laurasia and Gonowanal
2 of 10
Why is Iceland still growing?
Volcanoes are errupting and the magma is creating land.
3 of 10
What two directions are the plates are moving in a constructive boundary?
West and East
4 of 10
Is Iceland a constructive boundary or a destructive boundary?
Constructive Boundary
5 of 10
Why is the Pacific ocean called 'the Pacific ring of fire'?
Loads of volcanoes surround the Pacific.
6 of 10
What makes the plates move in a constructive boundary?
Convection Currents
7 of 10
Why are there two names for fire as a liquid? (Magma and Lava)
Magma is underground and Lava isn't
8 of 10
Why do Earthquakes happen?
The tectonic plates are moving towards eachother.
9 of 10
How does the mantle get to the core?
Sinks towards the core.
10 of 10

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Card 2


Name the two land masses that have split from Pangaea.


Laurasia and Gonowanal

Card 3


Why is Iceland still growing?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What two directions are the plates are moving in a constructive boundary?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Is Iceland a constructive boundary or a destructive boundary?


Preview of the front of card 5
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