Geography revision

What layers make up the earth?
crust,mantle,outer core,inner core
1 of 18
What are the different types of crust?
deep oceanic crust
less dense thick continental crust
2 of 18
How are composite volcanoes formed?
Composite volcanoes are found on
destructive plate margins
, where the oceanic crust sinks beneath the continental crust.
3 of 18
What are the features of composite volcanoes?
Acidic lava, which is very viscous (sticky).
Steep sides as the lava doesn't flow very far before it solidifies.
Alternate layers of ash and lava. For this reason, they're also known as
. Strato means layers.
Violent eruptions.
Longer per
4 of 18
How are shield volcanoes formed?
Shield volcanoes are found on
constructive plate margins
, where two plates move away from one another.
5 of 18
What features do shield volcanoes have?
basic lava, which is non-acidic and very runny
gentle sides as the lava flows for long distances before it solidifies
no layers, as the volcano just consists of lava
less violent eruptions
shorter periods between eruptions
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What are constructive plates?
A plate boundary where two parts are moving apart?
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What are conservative plates?
A plate boundary where two plates move past one another?
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What are destructive plates?
A plate boundary where two plates are colliding
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Primary effects of volcanoes?
As the volcano erupts, streams of molten rock called lava flow from the volcano causing damage to habitats and property.Pyroclastic flows are flows of super-heated gas and ash. These can travel at hundreds of kilometres per hour.Ash falls from volcanoes c
10 of 18
Secondary effects of volcanoes?
Volcanic eruptions can lead to climate change
. Ash from volcanoes can reflect the sun’s energy and lead to cooling, the carbon dioxide released can contribute to global warming.
Roads can become blocked by solidified lava flows making it difficult to tra
11 of 18
Primary effects of earthquakes?
Buildings may collapse due to the shaking of the ground.
People may die if they are inside a building when it collapses.
Roads may be blocked, gas and water pipes could be broken and electricity could be cut off.
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secondary effects of earthquakes?
The cost of rebuilding may be high.
Trade will decrease, especially if the
(roads, airports etc) have been damaged.
Spread of diseases may rise. If dead bodies are left in the open for a long period of time they can cause a risk of infect
13 of 18
Different types of erosion in glaciers?
Plucking – sometimes rocks get frozen to the base, sides and back wall of the glacier. The movement of the glacier pulls these frozen rocks away.

Abrasion – rocks trapped in the glacier rub against the valley floor wearing it away like sandpaper.
14 of 18
How are corries formed?
Corries are bowl-shaped
found on the side of a mountain. They form when the glacier deepens an existing hollow through
action and
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What are aretes?
If corries form back-to-back on a mountain, they wear it away from both sides forming a knife edge called an arête.
16 of 18
What are pyramidal peaks?
If there are three or more corries and arêtes back-to-back, a pyramidal peak can form. This is a sharply pointed mountain peak.
17 of 18
Types of erosion in coastal landforms?
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


deep oceanic crust
less dense thick continental crust


What are the different types of crust?

Card 3


Composite volcanoes are found on
destructive plate margins
, where the oceanic crust sinks beneath the continental crust.


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Acidic lava, which is very viscous (sticky).
Steep sides as the lava doesn't flow very far before it solidifies.
Alternate layers of ash and lava. For this reason, they're also known as
. Strato means layers.
Violent eruptions.
Longer per


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Shield volcanoes are found on
constructive plate margins
, where two plates move away from one another.


Preview of the back of card 5
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