geography revision 1

  • Created by: elena07
  • Created on: 05-12-21 22:11
one earth
1 of 25
what are the layers on the earth
crust -divided into land and see
mantle -largest layer
outer core -liquid
inner core _solid
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continental drift
movement of tectonic plates
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what is the earth made up of
thick connecting tectonic plate
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how do convection currents move tectonic plates
mantle heated by core and some of mantle melts into molton rock(magma) and moves upwards ,when molton rock reaches top of mantle it cools and goes back down this continues and is called convection currents
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characteristics of oceanic plate
more dense
thinner (5km)
mostly ocean
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what is a destructive plate boundary
when an oceanic and continental plate move towards each other and the more dense oceanic plate is forced under the continental one this is called the subduction process .the oceanic plate then melts due to friction and goes down the mantle it then floats
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how people prepare for earthquakes ?
hospitals and emergency services should go out training as what to do in those situations.
know where your nearest safety point is .
be educated on whats happening.
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composite volcano
found on destructive plate boundary
acidic lava
steep sides
lava doesnt flow very far
longer periods between eruptions
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sheild volcanos
found on constructive plate margin
lava flows for longer distance
flat sides
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similarities of 2 volcanos
found on plate margins
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differences of 2 volcanos
steep side ( composite)-flat side (shield)
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is a portion of the Earth's surface which experiences volcanism
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ocean trench
deep part of ocean where plate is subducted
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volcano effects
tephra -fine volcanic dust
lava bombs - bombs of ejected lava
lahars_ mudflow when ash and rain mix
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example of hotspot
hawaiian island in pacific ocean
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indonesia sulawesi causes
7.5 magnitude
conservative plate boundary
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indonesia sulawesi consequences
houses ,building damaged
people killed
water supplys effected
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cause of tsunami
sudden dicplacement of water
volcanic eruptions
land slides
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predict tectonic events
electromagnetic fields
radon gas
animal behaviour
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japanese case study social effect
people died
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japanese case study economic effect
building destroyed
homes without power
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japanese case study enviromental effect
oil refinary damaged
nucleur power plants put under pressure
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the layers on the earth


crust -divided into land and see
mantle -largest layer
outer core -liquid
inner core _solid

Card 3


continental drift


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is the earth made up of


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


how do convection currents move tectonic plates


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards




very good and super useful , thank you so much!

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