Geography Revision

  • Created by: Shaan2408
  • Created on: 07-06-24 09:43
what is the mantle made of ?
magma or molten rock
1 of 15
what are the 4 layers the Earth is divided into
inner core, outer core, crust, mantle
2 of 15
what in the inner core made of ?
iron and nickle
3 of 15
what in the Outer core made of ?
iron and nickle in a liquid form
4 of 15
what are the 2 types of volcano's
composite cone and shield
5 of 15
What is a constructive plate boundary?
the plates are moving apart from one another
6 of 15
What is a destructive plate boundary?
where the tectonic plates are moving towards each other
7 of 15
What is freeze-thaw?
occurs when water continually seeps into cracks, freezes and expands, eventually breaking the rock apart.
8 of 15
What is plucking?
a process of erosion that occurs during glaciation. As ice and glaciers move, they scrape along the surrounding rock and pull away pieces of rock which causes erosion. Plucking.
9 of 15
What is abrasion?
when rocks and other materials carried by the sea are picked up by strong waves and thrown against the coastline causing more material to be broken off and carried away by the sea.
10 of 15
What processes erode glacial landscapes?
Abrasion and plucking
11 of 15
How is a U-Shaped valley formed (made)?
The glacier uses the processes of plucking and abrasion to widen, steepen, deepen and smooth V-shaped river valleys into a 'U' shape.
12 of 15
What is long-shore drift?
the movement of material along a coast by waves which approach at an angle to the shore but recede directly away from it.
13 of 15
What is the difference
between constructive and destructive waves?
Destructive waves have stronger backwashes than swashes.
14 of 15
Explain how longshore drift transports material
along the coast
The swash, which carries the material, follows this same angle, but the backwash moves material vertically down the beach.
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the 4 layers the Earth is divided into


inner core, outer core, crust, mantle

Card 3


what in the inner core made of ?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what in the Outer core made of ?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the 2 types of volcano's


Preview of the front of card 5
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