
  • Created by: sharonn.0
  • Created on: 18-04-22 15:55
advantages of sexual reproduction
- increases genetic variation
- species can adapt to new environment
- disease less likely to affect population
1 of 22
disadvantages of sexual reproduction
- takes time and energy to find mate
- difficult for isolated species to reproduce
2 of 22
advantages of asexual reproduction
- requires less time and energy
- faster than sexual reproduction
- population can be increased rapidly
3 of 22
disadvantages of asexual reproduction
- limited genetic variations
- population is vulnerable to new conditions
- disease is less likely to affect population
4 of 22
what is the role of meiosis
- chromosome number is halved from diploid and haploid
- produces four haploid daughter cells
- genetically different to parent
- increases genetic variation
5 of 22
what is a gene
a section of DNA that codes for a particular sequence of amino acids
6 of 22
what is DNA
a polymer made up of two strands coiled around to make double helix
7 of 22
what are subunits of DNA called
8 of 22
what does the nucleotide consist of
sugar and phosphate group
9 of 22
what are the base pairing
c - g
a - t
10 of 22
what is a genome
The entire set of the genetic material of an organism
11 of 22
how to extract DNA
1. mash fruit and mix with detergent
2. filter the mixture into a test tube
3. add some ice cold ethanol
12 of 22
what are alleles
variation of the same genes
13 of 22
what is a dominant allele
always expressed, even if one copy is present
14 of 22
what is a recessive allele
only expressed if two alleles are present
15 of 22
what is homozygous
two alleles of a gene that is the same
16 of 22
what is heterozygous
two allele of a gene that is different
17 of 22
what is genotype
the combination of alleles that control each characteristic
18 of 22
what is phenotype
the observable characteristic of an organism
19 of 22
what are gametes
sex cells
20 of 22
what are female chromosome
21 of 22
what are male chromosome
22 of 22

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Card 2


disadvantages of sexual reproduction


- takes time and energy to find mate
- difficult for isolated species to reproduce

Card 3


advantages of asexual reproduction


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


disadvantages of asexual reproduction


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is the role of meiosis


Preview of the front of card 5
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