Genetic Modification

What is genetic modification?
Genetic modification is where a gene from one organism is transferred to another
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When the gene is transferred what will it do?
Produce a protein using instructions in that gene
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Why can the protein be made when the gene came from another organism?
All organisms have the same genetic code
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When the gene is isolated and removed what happens?
The gene is replicated to create lots of copies
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What are the genes joined to?
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What is a vector?
A carrier for the gene which makes it easier to insert into a new cell
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What are often used as vectors?
Plasmids and vectors
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Do all of the cells get modified?
No, The vector may not have been transferred properly
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What is the alst stage of genetic modification?
To select the individuals that have been successfully modified
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Why is genetically modified bacteria helpful?
Its used to produce medicines cheaply, quickly and in large quantities
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


When the gene is transferred what will it do?


Produce a protein using instructions in that gene

Card 3


Why can the protein be made when the gene came from another organism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When the gene is isolated and removed what happens?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the genes joined to?


Preview of the front of card 5
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