GCSE Physics P2

A quiz on the topics that come up in the P2 exam, e.g. motion, static electricity, nuclear stuff etc.

  • Created by: Tilda
  • Created on: 25-05-11 10:08

1. Lottie is chasing her dog, Bramble, who ran 200 metres in 30 seconds. What is Bramble's speed?

  • 200 m/s
  • 9.3 m/hour
  • 6.6 m/s
  • 6.6 km/s
  • 4.5 m/s
1 of 7

Other questions in this quiz

2. Bramble changes speed and travels at 3m/s towards the park. What do we now know?

  • Where Lottie lives
  • His velocity
  • His decelleration after one hour
  • How long it took him to take over Lottie
  • His distance-time graph

3. Gravity is a force acting on us all the time. Lottie jumps over the park wall and falls the other side. Which force is greater when she falls?

  • Drag
  • Gravity
  • Magnetic forces
  • Upthrust
  • Air resistance

4. Lottie manages to catch Bramble, and Lottie's dad drives them home. They see an accident on the road- a blue car with the force of 1000N pushes against a green car with a mass of 500kg. What is the acceleration of the blue car?

  • There isn't enough information to work it out
  • 1000/500=2
  • 1000+500=1500
  • 1000N
  • 500/1000=0.5

5. What might have slowed the blue car driver's braking distance?

  • Terminal velocity
  • Driving too fast or wet roads
  • Driving on a one-way street
  • Roads made of polymers
  • Taking drugs




Ignore the first Physics quiz, this is the completed version.



this is really confusing, all of the questions are repeated in all of your physics quizzes :(



wtf, this is so confusing.



would of been good but the questions are repeated over and over?!

rainbow :) crazziee revison


werid silly questions :(

that dont come up in REAL life !

:) PurpleJaguar (: - Team GR


Good quiz, 
but the questions are weird like Q4, you diddn't really have to include the bit about the dog being caught but anyways...


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