GCSE PE Year 9massessment on 13.10.23

Name the 20 types of bones
Cranium, clavicle, phalanges, metacarpal, carpal, sternum vertebrae, pelvis, femur, patella, phalanges, metatarsals, fibula, tibia, ulna, humerus, scapula
1 of 16
What is the definition of articulating bones?
Articulating bones are bones that move relative to each other at a fixed joint. (the 2 bones that meet at a joint)
(e.g. - humerus + ulna
knee - femur + tibia)
2 of 16
What are the functions of the skeletal system?
1) Support
2) Movement
3) Posture
4) Protection
5) Blood Cell production
6) Storage of minerals
3 of 16
Name the 11 types of muscles
abdominals, biceps, quadriceps, pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, gluteus maximus, triceps, gastrocnemius, deltoid, trapezius, hamstrings
4 of 16
Where are the intercoastal muscles located?
The intercoastal muscles are found between the ribs and are used during the process of breathing.
5 of 16
What are tendons?
Tendons are a tough yet flexible band of fibrous tissue that joins muscle to bone.
(When a muscle contracts the effort is transferred to the bone and movement is produced.)
(connects muscle to bone)
6 of 16
What is a synovial joint?
What are the two types of this joint?
A synovial joint is a freely moveable joint in which the bones' surfaces are covered by cartilage.
Ball and socket and hinge.
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What is a ligament?
A ligament is a short band of tough and flexible tissue that connects bones together and stabilises the joint.
(connects bone to bone, stops any unwanting movement and helps to stop dislocation)
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What is cartilage?
Cartilage is a tough, elastic, fibrous connective tissue that prevents friction at a joint.
(stops the bones from rubbing, acts as a shock absorber and covers both ends of the bones)
9 of 16
What is rotation?

What is abduction?
Rotation is a twisting action that takes place when a body part turns along its long axis, as if on a pivot.

Movement away from the midline of body.
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What is circumduction?

What is flexion?
A circular movement at a joint that combines flexion, extension, abduction and adduction.

The angle at a joint decreases as a limb bends.
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What is adduction?

What is extension?
Movement towards the midline of the body.

The angle at a joint increases as a limb straightens.
12 of 16
What are antagonistic muscles?
Antagonistic muscles are when a pair of muscles perform the opposite action to each other therefore either contracting or relaxing.
(e.g. leg back preparing:
hamstring = agonist
quadricep = antagonist)
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The muscle that works to create movement.
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The muscle that works in the opposite way to the agonist, relaxing to allow movement.
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A muscle that acts as a stabilizer, helping the agonist to work effectively to create movement.
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the definition of articulating bones?


Articulating bones are bones that move relative to each other at a fixed joint. (the 2 bones that meet at a joint)
(e.g. - humerus + ulna
knee - femur + tibia)

Card 3


What are the functions of the skeletal system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the 11 types of muscles


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Where are the intercoastal muscles located?


Preview of the front of card 5
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