GCSE Geography - Urban Issues and Challenges key terms

Brownfield site
Land that has been used, abandoned and now awaits reuse; often found in urban areas
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Abandoned buildings and wasteland
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Economic opportunities
Chances for people to improve their standard of living through employment.
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Formal economy
The type of employment where people work to receive a regular wage, pay tax, and have certain rights, i.e. paid holidays, sickness leave
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Greenfield site
A plot of land, often in a rural or on the edge of an urban area that has not been built on before
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Differences between poverty and wealth, as well as wellbeing and access to jobs, housing, education, etc
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Informal economy
Employment outside the official knowledge of the government
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When people move from one area to another; in many LICs people move from rural to urban areas
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Natural increase
Birth rate minus the death rate of a population
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Chemicals, noise, dirt or other substances which have harmful or poisonous effects on an environment
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Renewable energy resources
A resource that cannot be exhausted, i.e. wind, solar and tidal energy
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Rural-urban fringe
A zone of transition between a built-up area and the countryside, where there is often competition for land use
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Rural-urban migration
The movement of people from the countryside into towns and cities
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Social deprivation
The extent an individual or an area lacks services, decent housing, adequate income and employment
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Solar energy
Sun’s energy exploited by solar panels, collectors or cells to heat water or air to generate electricity
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Squatter settlements
An area of (often illegal) poor-quality housing, lacking in services like water supply, sewerage and electricity
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Actions that meet the needs of the present without reducing the ability of future generations to meet their needs
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Sustainable energy supply
Energy that can potentially be used well into the future without harming future generations
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When an increasing percentage of a country’s population comes to live in towns and cities
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Urban regeneration
Reversing the urban decline by modernising ot redeveloping, aiming to improve the local economy
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Card 2




Abandoned buildings and wasteland

Card 3


Economic opportunities


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Formal economy


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Greenfield site


Preview of the front of card 5
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