GCSE English Literature- A Christmas Carol: The Ghost of Christmas Past

  • Created by: mindypops
  • Created on: 28-01-18 12:26
How is magic added to the Ghost of Christmas Past's entrance?
Scrooge goes to sleep at two but is woken up at one, creating mystery
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What does the light coming from his head represent?
~Him 'shedding light' on scrooge situation ~Him guiding scrooge
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What does the ghost imply about his cap?
That Scrooge being miserly helped to create it (to stifle the truth)
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What does the striking clock represent?
The start of a new section, or in some cases, chapters in Scrooges life
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How does the ghost help show the reader why Scrooge is like he is?
By provoking him to answer questions that give more detail, or shed more light onto, his past
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Why is the form of the ghost important?
It shows that you can't change the past, but every part of it helps form who you are. It is an ephmeral spirit, linking to the Gothic genre, and the light and changing form show that Scrooge can change too.
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Name three ways the spirit can be described
~Changing ~Commanding ~Streaming with light
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How is Scrooges past made more vivid with the ghost?
The use of all 5 senses helps contrast the dullness of Scrooges present life wth the brightness of his past: Ali Baba, Fan and Fezziwig
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Why is Scrooge returning to his home town important?
Because it's the first time we see him happy about Christmas, which is the beginning of a change
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Why is it important that the ghost shows him Fezziwig?
So he remebers taht his boss was nicer, and realises the power he has as a boss. It also shows the reader that not all rich people were ignorant at the time
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What importance does the ghost talking to Scrooge after the party have?
It makes him realise that he needs to take better care of Cratchitt
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Why des the ghost show Scrooge Belle?
~He realises he wanted a family ~He sees what he could've had in life ~He mourns the fact he never made time to love properly, and be happy. Dickens wanted to show the reader that Family brings joy and happiness better than wealth does
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does the light coming from his head represent?


~Him 'shedding light' on scrooge situation ~Him guiding scrooge

Card 3


What does the ghost imply about his cap?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does the striking clock represent?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How does the ghost help show the reader why Scrooge is like he is?


Preview of the front of card 5
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