GCSE AQA combined science- biology

  • Created by: Bobbycar
  • Created on: 26-09-19 10:33
give two differences in structure between bacterial and animal cells
any two from: they're smaller/ bacterial cells don't have mitochondria/bacteria don't have a nucleus
1 of 9
an onion cell is 0.075 mm wide. the image of the cell is 7.5mm wide. what magnification was used to view the cell?
2 of 9
why might you add a stain to the slide?
to be able to see the cells easier
3 of 9
describe how a root hair cell is specialized for its function.
they have 'hairs', to give a big surface area
4 of 9
describe the events of the cell cycle that need to occur before mitosis can begin.
cell grows, increases the amount of sub-cellular structures
5 of 9
how can stem cells help preserve rare plant species? (2 marks)
clones, crop plants that are useful to farmers, e.g can't be killed by disease
6 of 9
explain how the surface area of a membrane affects diffusion
the larger the surface area of the membrane, the faster the diffusion rate. this is because molre particles can pass through at the same time.
7 of 9
what is osmosis?
the movement of water molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration across a semi-permeable membrane
8 of 9
what is active transport?
when a substance is absorbed from an area of low concentration to high concentration against the concentration gradient.
9 of 9

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Card 2


an onion cell is 0.075 mm wide. the image of the cell is 7.5mm wide. what magnification was used to view the cell?



Card 3


why might you add a stain to the slide?


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Card 4


describe how a root hair cell is specialized for its function.


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Card 5


describe the events of the cell cycle that need to occur before mitosis can begin.


Preview of the front of card 5
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