functionalism and education

Who identified the 3 main functions of education?
Durkheim (1903)
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What were these 3 main functions (sse)?
Secondary socialisation, social solidarity, education teaches specialists skills
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Secondary socialisation
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What are schools because they teach each generation shared universalistic values and cultural norms?
Secondary socialising agencies
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That 2 things does this reinforce?
Social reproduction and thus, social order
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Social solidarity
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What does Durkheim argue there needs to be for cooperation?
a sense of solidarity
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How does education provide this sense of solidarity?
Norms and values
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What else does education prepare the younger generation for ?
life in wider society because the school is like 'society in miniature' and readies them for work
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Education teaches specialist skills (prepares them for work)
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What 2 things does Durkheim claim education gives?
Knowledge and necessary skills
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What does this enable individuals to play their part in ?
The social division of labor
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Why was this function so desperately needed?
Because we live in a society of industrialisation
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This what do different skills and common knowledge In education enable people to play a part in what?
a complex industrial society
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However, who argues education places more value on commotion rather then social solidarity?
Hargreaves (1982)
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What do Marxists argue?
that the taught norms and values only benefit the R/C
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What do Postmodernists argue ?
Durkheim's view is outdated for a diverse contemporary society
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Who claims education provides secondary socialisation and prepares them for meritocratic life? (next theory)
Parsons (1961)
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Describe why Parsons sees education as a bridge between family and wider society ?
Schools act as society in miniature and is a 'focal socialising agency'
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What type of values does the home have and what type of status?
Particularistic values (own rules ) and high ascribed status
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How does education gradually prepare for society?
By teaching universal standards and mertiocracy
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What type of status and values are in wider society?
universalistic values and achieved status
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Parsons believes school prepares for a meritocratic society, decide what is characterised by a meritocracy?
Based off individual achievement (you determine your own places in society via own efforts and ability) and equal opportunity
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Name 2 other chartists of a modern society that education prepares for?
Competitive and rewarded on ability
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Why do Marxists disagree and claim there is a 'myth of meritocracy' ?
That the rich do not achieve on their own merit rather than privileged status - portraying that it's fair
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Why is edu action not meritocratic?
It discriminates faints groups so they sonnet have equal opportunity
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Who devises the theory that education allocates pupils for future work roles?
Davis and Moore
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What is social stratification?
Division of society into groups
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Provide an example of scarification in education
Allocating pupils into future work roles by assessing their ability
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Why is inequality necessary according to Davis and Moor ?
so society can function well
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provide an example
Most important people in the most important jobs
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But, what is everyone able to do due to education being meritocratic ?
achieve these jobs because everyone starts off on equal footing
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What phrase does Davis claim education does ?
Sifts and sorts
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Provide an example liked to education
Higher rewards offered to the best jobs so motivates people to strive for them and those with lower grades get lower paid jobs
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Thus, what do Davis and more believe society is?
Efficient and functional
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However, why do Marxists disagree with Davis and Moore ?
Education does not grade on effort or ability as the wealthy and powerful have more opportunities within the education system
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Thus, what is society and what is not society?
Meritocratic, just reproduced for capitalist society
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Also, what is not the case about those who get the best qualifications?
They do not always get the best jobs
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family connections, ethnicity, gender and class can effect someones chance of getting a job
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What were these 3 main functions (sse)?


Secondary socialisation, social solidarity, education teaches specialists skills

Card 3


Secondary socialisation


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are schools because they teach each generation shared universalistic values and cultural norms?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


That 2 things does this reinforce?


Preview of the front of card 5
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