Freud's Study of Little Hans


1. Which of these may have been a reason for Little Hans' development of a horse phobia?

  • He watched a man get trampled by a white horse
  • He saw a horse collapse and die on the street
  • He was almost run over by a horse
  • He was bitten by a white horse
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2. Which of the following wasn't a flaw of Freud's Study?

  • The study lacked confidentiality
  • The data collected lacked detail
  • The study was unreliable
  • The study was ethnocentric

3. What did Freud conclude as causing the Phobia?

  • Hans' fear of horses was because he was suffering castration anxiety as he was going through the Oedipus complex
  • Hans' fear of horses was because he had a fixation from his oral phase, which when unresolved led to a heightened Oedipus complex being developed
  • Hans's fear of horses was because he was suffering from castration anxiety because his mum threatened to cut of his "widdler" and his father didn't defend him
  • Hans's fear of horses was because he feared that his father would take away his mother's affection for him, but wanted it all to himself

4. Which fantasy/dream marked Little Hans identifying with his father?

  • A dream where Little Hans' and his father were horses, and Little Hans with the bigger horse with the bigger penis
  • A plumber coming and replacing Little Hans' bottom and penis with larger ones
  • Fantasising that he had children with his mother, and his father was the grandfather
  • Removing a crumpled giraffe (his mother) from a large giraffe with an erect neck (his father)

5. What was Freud's aim?

  • To give an account of how to resolve an Oedipus complex using a boy with a phobia of horses to illustrate it
  • To generate believe in his psychodynamic perspective
  • To give an account of a boy suffering from a phobia of horses and use it to illustrate the existence of the Oedipus complex
  • To cure a boy suffering from a phobia of horses


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