Frequenc, ultrasound and seismic waves P12.2

What is frequency measured in?
Frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).
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What is the period measured in?
Period is measured in seconds (s).
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What is the symbol for frequency?
The symbol for frequency is f.
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What is the symbol for period?
The symbol for period is T.
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What is the equation to find the frequency from the period?
frequency = ¹⁄period
f = ¹⁄T
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What is the wavespeed?
- The wave speed is the distance travelled by each wave every second through a medium.
- Energy is transferred by the waves at this speed.
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What is the symbol for wave speed?
The symbol for wave speed is V.
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What is the equation to find the wave speed?
wave speed = frequency x wavelength
V = fλ
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What is the symbol for wavelength?
The symbol for wavelength is λ.
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What is the symbol equation for wave speed?
V = fλ
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What is the wave speed measured in?
The wave speed is measure in m/s.
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What is the wavelength measured in?
The wavelength is measured in m.
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What is ultrasound?
Sound waves with a frequency higher than the upper limit of human hearing
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Ultrasound waves are partially ________ when they meet a boundary between two different densities
Ultrasound waves are partially REFLECTED when they meet a boundary between two different densities
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What can we use to find how far a boundary is for ultrasound?
he time taken for the reflections to reach a detector can be used to determine how far away such a boundary is.
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What equation can we use to determine distance using ultrasound
distance = speed x time
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What can ultrasound be used for?
Medical and industrial imaging.

It can produce images of any internal organ that isn't surrounded by bone including foetuses
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Why is ultrasound preferable over x-rays?
Ultrasound is much safer as it does not cause mutations or increase the risk of cancer
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What are seismic waves produced by?
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What are the two main types of seismic waves?
P waves
S waves
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Properties of P waves
Can travel through solids and liquids
Faster speed than S waves
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Properties of S waves
Can travel through solids only
Slower than P waves
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How do P and S waves confirm that the earth has a liquid outer core?
There are certain places on earth where S waves cannot be detected as they cannot pass through liquids (S wave shadow zone)
There are certain places on earth where P waves cannot be detected as they travel faster in solids than liquids
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How do P waves confirm that the earth has a solid inner core?
Sometimes faint P waves can be detected in the zone where P waves cannot be detected (p wave shadow zone)
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Card 2


What is the period measured in?


Period is measured in seconds (s).

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What is the symbol for frequency?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the symbol for period?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the equation to find the frequency from the period?


Preview of the front of card 5
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