he arrives in his office "all in a ?" and "his eyes ?", emphasising the ?ness of his character
he thinks that scrooge's ? is useless because "he don't do any ? with it", suggesting he values ?ness more than money
"all in a glow" and "his eyes sparkled"
emphasising the friendliness of him
scrooge's wealth is useless because "he don't do any good with it" suggesting he values happiness more than money
1 of 5
empathetic "heartily ?" when tim dies, even though be barely knows them, contrasting with scrooge who is self-?
the differences between his character compared to scrooge emphasises scrooge's ? qualities
"heartily sorry" when tim dies, even though he barely knows them, contrasting with self-centred scrooge
difference between his character compared to scrooge emphasises scrooge's negative qualities
2 of 5
refuses to ? with scrooge "couldn't be angry"
shows insight when he says that scrooge's "offences carry their own ?", by refusing to embrace his ?, he's hurting himself
refuses to argue with scrooge "couldn't be angry"
shows insight when he says that scrooge's "offences carry their own punishment" by refusing to embrace his family he's hurting himself
3 of 5
determined to include scrooge in ?
"i mean to give him the same ?, every year"
believes its important to be ? at christmas
includes scrooge in celebrations
"i mean to give him the same chance, every year"
important to be kind at christmas
4 of 5
shows ?ity by inviting scrooge to his ?
shows ?ness when he welcomes scrooge into his home despite his ?
he knows how to have ?
generosity by inviting scrooge to his party
forgiveness when he invites him into his home despite his behaviour
he knows how to have fun
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


empathetic "heartily ?" when tim dies, even though be barely knows them, contrasting with scrooge who is self-?
the differences between his character compared to scrooge emphasises scrooge's ? qualities


"heartily sorry" when tim dies, even though he barely knows them, contrasting with self-centred scrooge
difference between his character compared to scrooge emphasises scrooge's negative qualities

Card 3


refuses to ? with scrooge "couldn't be angry"
shows insight when he says that scrooge's "offences carry their own ?", by refusing to embrace his ?, he's hurting himself


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


determined to include scrooge in ?
"i mean to give him the same ?, every year"
believes its important to be ? at christmas


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


shows ?ity by inviting scrooge to his ?
shows ?ness when he welcomes scrooge into his home despite his ?
he knows how to have ?


Preview of the front of card 5


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