Food and Health key terms

  • Created by: Grace
  • Created on: 28-05-13 13:32
A balanced diet
one that contains all the nutrients required for health in appropriate proportions.
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when a person is 20% or more heavier that the recommended weight for their height.
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A situation when the diet of a person isn't meeting a persons needs. It is caused by an unbalance diet.
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Coronary Heart Diesease (CHD)
it is caused by atherosclerosis which can result in arteriosclerosis. The coronary arteries becomes narrower restricting blood flow and potentially starving the heart of oxygen.
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When fatty substances are deposited in the walls of the coronary arteries.
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The hardening of the arteries and the loss of elasticity.
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High density lipoproteins (HDL's)
They transport cholesterol from the body tissues to the liver so reduce blood cholesterol levels when it is too high.
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Low density lipoproteins (LDL's)
They transport cholesterol from the liver to the body cells through the blood thereby increasing blood cholesterol levels.
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Selective breeding
where humans select the individual organisms that are allowed to breed accusing to chosen characteristics.
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Advantages of selective breeding
increased resistance to disease, higher productivity, cheaper to produce so cheaper for customers. LEDCs can export excess crops.
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Disadvantages of selective breeding
Unethical as the animals can suffer from not being able to cope with the modifications.
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The heat denatures enzymes and other proteins and kills the microorganisms.
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It is heated to 72*C for 15 seconds and then cooling rapidly to 4*C, killing harmful microorganisms.
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Drying, salting and coating in sugar
they dehydrate any microorganisms as water leaves them via osmosis.
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the food develops a hardened, dry outer surface, and smoke contains antibacterial chemicals.
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This uses an acid pH to kill microorgansims by denaturing their enzymes and other proteins.
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Ionising radiation kills the microorganisms by denaturing by disrupting their DNA structure.
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Cooling and Freezing
These do not kill the microorganisms but ****** enzyme activity so their metabolism, growth and reproduction is very slow.
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A state of mental, physical and social wellbeing, not just the absence of disease.
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A departure from good health caused by a malfunction of the mind or body.
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These are living organisms that live in or on another living organism causing them harm.
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An organism that causes disease.
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The primary defences
Those that attempt to prevent pathogens from entering the body. The main two are the skin and mucous membranes.
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The immune response
The specific response to a pathogen which involves the action of lymphocytes and the production of antibodies.
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Molecules that stimulate an immune response
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Protein molecules that can identify and neutralise antigens. Each antigen is specific to a particular antigen becuase of the shape of the variable region.
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When antibodies attach to every antigen on the pathogen. This prevents the antibody from attacking a host cell and prevents the pathogen from releasing toxins. The hinge region allows each antibody to cover two antigens.
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A large antibody can bind many pathogens together preventing them from entering the cells as they are too large. The antigens can no longer be recognised by the lymphocytes, instead they recognise the constant region and carry out phagocytosis on it.
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A hormone like chemical that is released from a cell to communicate with target cells.
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a deliberate exposure to antigenic material, which activates the immune system to make an immune response and provide immunity.
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Herd Vaccination
When a vaccine is used to provide immunity to all or nearly all of the of the population at risk. Once enough people are immune, the disease can no longer be effective. in order to be effective, almost all of the population needs to be vaccinated.
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Ring Vaccination
When a new case of a disease is reported and the people immediately at risk from the disease are vaccinated. It is used to prevent the diseas from spreading in that area.
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Natural immunity
When immunity is gained in the normal course of living processes. Perhaps as a baby through breast milk or by having the infection and developing resistance to it.
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Artificial immunity
Immunity gained by deliberate exposure to anitbodies or antigens.
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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
A combination of diseases including Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis and Asthma.
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the study of the distribution of a disease in populations, and the factors that influence its spread.
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Card 2


when a person is 20% or more heavier that the recommended weight for their height.



Card 3


A situation when the diet of a person isn't meeting a persons needs. It is caused by an unbalance diet.


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Card 4


it is caused by atherosclerosis which can result in arteriosclerosis. The coronary arteries becomes narrower restricting blood flow and potentially starving the heart of oxygen.


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Card 5


When fatty substances are deposited in the walls of the coronary arteries.


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