Food Tech

what is the difference between non-essential amino acids and essential amino acids
n= body can make some
e= we eat the ones our body can't make
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what is protein needed for
growth, repair and maintenance
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what is high biological value, what is low biological value and what is protein complementation

how much protein should males and females have per day
h= contain e-aa, from animal sources
lbv= missing some e-aa, from plant sources

pc= combine LBV protein foods

m= 55g, f=45g pregnant women=+6g
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what happens if we have it in excess or a deficiency
e= live+kidney help process= strain

d= stunted growth, oedema, kwashiorkor
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what are the 4 alternatives vegetarians can have...
soya, TVP, microprotein, tofu
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what is the role of fat
make cholesterol= essential part of cell membranes
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what do they contain
saturated and non saturated fatty acids.
fatty acids+glycerol=tryglycerides
fatty acid chains= carbon and hydrogen
sat fa= only have 1 single c-c bonds
unsat fa= at least 1 c=c double bond
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which type is the good type and what categories does it break into
sf= bad for health (animal sources)
uf= usually healthier (veg sources)
can be monounsaturated(1 C=C double bond) or polyunsaturated (more than 1 C=C double bond)
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how much should we have per day
make up no more than 35% of daily intake
70g adults, make 20g of sf
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excess and deficiency problems
e= obesity, type 2 diabetes, restricts blood flow around body

d= less insulation, less fat soluble vitamins absorbed by body= vitamin deficiency
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what do empty calories mean
no nutritional benefit other than energy
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simple vs complex carbs
s= digested quickly
monosaccharides= basic sugar molecules= glucose, fructose
disaccharides= 2 mono, sucrose

complex=longer digestion
polysaccharides= made up of lots of m. joined together, starch
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what is the Glycaemic index
rates carbs on how quickly they affect b.s. levels
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how much carbs should we have per day
50% of our energy, most starchy, no more than 5% from free sugars
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excess and deficiency problems
e= tooth decay, obesity
d= lose muscle, tiredness
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role of fibre/ NSP, how much do we need per day and deficiency
keeps digestive system working properly and keeps food moving through it


high bp, bowel/colon cancer
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what does water do, how is it lost, how much should we have per day
60% of body
eliminates waste, controls body temp, aids digestion
lost through sweat, breath and urine
dehydration= slow reactions, blood thickens and increase body temp
overhydration= nausea+dilutes concentration of nutrients in blood
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the eatwell guide
1/3 fruit and veg
1/3 starchy carbs
1/3 protein, oils and spreads, dairy
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the healthy eating guidelines
-5 a day
-2 portions of fish a week (1 oily)
-6-8 glasses of fluid a day
-eat less sugary, salty and fatty foods
-base meals on high fibre starchy carbs
-don't skip breakfast
-get active and try to be a healthy weight
-eat less salt, no more than 6g a day
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nutritional analysis of fats, carbs and proteins+ the formula
1g of fat= 9kcal
1g of protein= 4kcal
1g of carbs= 4kcal

nutritional content x energy value= total energy value (kcal)
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the 4 food zones
1) cooking food at 75 kills bacteria
2) danger zone (5-63) bacteria grow and multiply quickly, optimum growth at 37
3)chilling (0-5) slows down bacterial growth
4) freezing (-18) stops bacteria growing (dormant)
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what are ambient foods and how to preserve
food that can be safely stored at room temp

canning, vacuum packing and use chemicals
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use by date vs best b4
safety warning (food poisoning)

quality warning (could be risky)
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what is shortening
rub fat into flour= flour particles get waterproof coating= prevents long gluten molecules from forming when water is added to flour= dough cannot become stretchy= firm/crumbly texture
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what is emulsification
the molecules in an emulsifier have 2 ends
hydrophyllic=water molecules bond to this side
hydrophobic= oil molecules bond to this side= holds together in stable emulsion

oil in water= milk
water in oil= butter
vinaigrettes, hollandaise (lecithin found in
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how to stop enzymic browning
add an acid or blanch
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primary processes in a wheat grain
harvested, cleaned, stored in dry conditions, put in hopper and crushed, sieved and removed
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primary processes in milk
1) pasteurisation= heated quick to 72 for 15s then rapidly cooled
2) ultra heat treatment= milk heated to 135 for 1-4s then packed in sterile container
3) sterilisation= steam chamber 110 for 10-30mins
4) microfiltration= bac. turns milk sour after p, so
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secondary process in jam
1) crushed fruit and pectin (gelling substance found in fruits)
2) pectin= jam thickens(when boiled) then set aside to cool
3) sugar draws water out of fruit (harder for mic. to grow)
4) poured in glass and sealed
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secondary process in cheese
1) pasteurised
2) bacteria sour and thicken milk + rennet added
3) rennet= milk coagulates - solid cheese curds and whey
4) whey removed by cheddaring
5) curds pressed and left to mature
6) bacteria/ mould sometimes added for flavour
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intensive farming, organic farming and free range
i= uses chemicals to achieve max. yield
o= natural methods
f=animals have more space
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why is local food good
reduces food miles, fresher, cheaper etc.
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what is fair trade
supports farmers/workers in less developed countries+ encourages sustainable food production
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lent and celebrations
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halal meats
no alcohol
no pork
Ramadan= fast between sunrise and sunset
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many are vegetarian
some avoid harmful veg
Jhatka (harmless slaughter)
no beef
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baptist sikhs= prohibit eating ritually slaughtered meats
many are vegetarian
do not overindulge in foods
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many veg/vegan
many= no alcohol
some fast from noon till sunrise the following day
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food must be kosher
kosher animals= split hooves and chew cud
fish have fins and scales (no shellfish)
harmless slaughter
no pig, camel, hare, rabbit etc.
dairy+meat= not cooked or eaten together
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no pork
I-tal (clean/natural diet)
some eat fish, but must be less than 30cm long
many= no alcohol, but drink from natural sources
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impacts on food choice
animal wellfare, working conditions, environmental impact, eating naturally, intolerances/allergies
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paired preference test vs. hedonic rating test
p= ppl given 2 slightly diff. foods= have to choose fav.
h= rate various foods using scale. the tasters usually given variety of foods to rate.
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what are 2 diff. discrimination tests
triangle test= 3 products tasted, 2 same, 1 diff, guess the diff. one

A not A= 1 product tasted 1st, then taste 2 more and identify the 1 that is identical to 1st

can use star diagram
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influence of marketing
special offers
celeb/brand endorsements
health claims
promote ethical values (organic)
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how thermal energy travels through solids. In a solid, the particles are tightly packed together in fixed positions. The particles are close together, vibrating in fixed positions. As the solid is heated, thermal energy is transferred into kinetic energy
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Convection occurs when particles with a lot of heat energy in a liquid or gas move and take the place of particles with less heat energy. Heat energy is transferred from hot places to cooler places by convection.
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Radiation is the process where heat and light waves strike. and penetrate your food through electromagnetic energy.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is protein needed for


growth, repair and maintenance

Card 3


what is high biological value, what is low biological value and what is protein complementation

how much protein should males and females have per day


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what happens if we have it in excess or a deficiency


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the 4 alternatives vegetarians can have...


Preview of the front of card 5
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