Fluvioglacial Landforms

  • Created by: RocketReu
  • Created on: 11-03-21 10:57
Meltwater Channel
A narrow channel cut into the bedrock or deposits, either underneath or along the front of an ice margin, due to meltwater streams.
Due to the pressure from the glacier, they are highly erosive. I
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A steep-sided mound of fluvio-glacial sand and gravel.
Material collects within a depression on top of the glacier. When the glacier melts completely, the material is left on the valley floor. This leaves a mound of fine
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Long winding ridge of glacial deposition.
A mould of glacial meltwater channels.
Material is deposited when the subglacial meltwater channel loses energy. Due the high hydrostatic pressure, the mound builds up and retai
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Outwash Plain / Sandur
A flat expanse of fluvio-glacial debris in front of the glacial snout.
When a glacier recedes, meltwater is released.
The meltwater loses energy and it deposits material in front of the glacier (sorted and stratified). T
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Kame Terrace
A flat, linear deposit of fluvio-glacial sand and gravel at the valley sides.
Valley sides radiate heat in summer, melting the
edge of the glacier and forming meltwater
streams which deposit sediment.
When the glacier r
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Kettle Hole
A circular depression, often forming a lake in an outwash plain.
As the glacier retreats, detached blocks of ice remain on the sandur. Meltwater streams cover them in deposits. When the ice melts, the debris subsides. Th
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Proglacial Lake
A lake formed in front of the glacier snout.
Formed by the damming action of a terminal or recessional moraine during glacial retreat, or because hills block the escape of meltwater.
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Card 2


A steep-sided mound of fluvio-glacial sand and gravel.
Material collects within a depression on top of the glacier. When the glacier melts completely, the material is left on the valley floor. This leaves a mound of fine



Card 3


Long winding ridge of glacial deposition.
A mould of glacial meltwater channels.
Material is deposited when the subglacial meltwater channel loses energy. Due the high hydrostatic pressure, the mound builds up and retai


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Card 4


A flat expanse of fluvio-glacial debris in front of the glacial snout.
When a glacier recedes, meltwater is released.
The meltwater loses energy and it deposits material in front of the glacier (sorted and stratified). T


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Card 5


A flat, linear deposit of fluvio-glacial sand and gravel at the valley sides.
Valley sides radiate heat in summer, melting the
edge of the glacier and forming meltwater
streams which deposit sediment.
When the glacier r


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