Fixtures and Fittings

  • Created by: Sophie :)
  • Created on: 29-05-13 10:48
What hinge is most commonly used for doors?
**** hinge
1 of 11
What hinge is often used for lightweight jobs?
Flush hinge
2 of 11
What hinge has a long 'strap' that allows it to support greater weights?
Tee hinge
3 of 11
What hinge allows a door to come off its frame?
Pivot hinge
4 of 11
Catches hold a door without..?
Locking it
5 of 11
Name three materials that hinges and catches are often made from
Steel, brass, nylon
6 of 11
Name three types of catch
Magnetic, Spring, Ball
7 of 11
Locks need to be strong so are usually made from..?
Brass or steel
8 of 11
What type of fitment is easily repositioned?
Shelving fitments
9 of 11
What type of fitment is useful if the joint needs to be taken down again?
Leg fastenings
10 of 11
What are leg fastenings used for?
Attaching legs to tables and chairs
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What hinge is often used for lightweight jobs?


Flush hinge

Card 3


What hinge has a long 'strap' that allows it to support greater weights?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What hinge allows a door to come off its frame?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Catches hold a door without..?


Preview of the front of card 5
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