Fitness and health

  • Created by: ryan
  • Created on: 11-01-13 17:29
What is Physical Fitness
Physical Fitness is the ability to do physical activities.
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What is good health?
Good health is being free from diseases.
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How is blood transported to all parts of the body at the correct pressure?
When the heart beats it contracts, this causes the blood to be transported at the right pressure to all parts of the body.
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What do the figures 130/85 mmHg mean?
It means that the Systolic pressure is at 130 mmHg, and the Diastolic pressure is at 85 mmHg
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Name two things that can lower blood pressure?
Eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise.
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How does smoking cause high blood pressure?
Tobacco smoke contains Nicotine and Carbon Monoxide, Carbon monoxide combines with red blood cells preventing from carrying as much oxygen, this means to compensate the heart must beat faster and this puts strain on the heart.
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How does eating too much saturated fats increase blood pressure?
The liver uses saturated fats to make cholesterol, cholesterol is transported through blood and can be deposited in arteries, this makes the arteries narrower and restricts the blood flow, causing the heart to beat faster to force the blood through.
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Name three health risks from having high blood pressure?
You are more likely to have: a heart attack, a stroke ( or a blood vessel in the brain may burst), suffer from kidney damage.
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Card 2


What is good health?


Good health is being free from diseases.

Card 3


How is blood transported to all parts of the body at the correct pressure?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do the figures 130/85 mmHg mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name two things that can lower blood pressure?


Preview of the front of card 5
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