Financial Ministers

Week 6 

  • Created by: Scanli12
  • Created on: 04-12-17 12:35
What did Turgot believe in?
freeing agriculture from the restrictions of tax
1 of 19
What did Turgot try to impose?
financial and economic reforms
2 of 19
What did Turgot want with grain tax?
Attempted to impose free trade in grain (year of bad harvest)
3 of 19
What did Turgot want with land tax?
Wanted a single tax on land
4 of 19
Why did the Paris Parlement refuse to register him?
Too Radical
5 of 19
When was he dismissed?
6 of 19
When did Necker publish the royal accounts?
7 of 19
What did Necker make the royal accounts seem like?
They were in surplus
8 of 19
What did making the royal accounts appear to be in surplus do for Necker?
Able to gain more loans because of this and also made him more popular with 3rd estate
9 of 19
What was the debt in 1763?
50 million livres
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What was the debt in 1786?
112 million livres
11 of 19
Poor harvests & rising population led to an increase in what?
12 of 19
Why did Necker resign?
No way to solve the issues
13 of 19
When did Necker resign?
14 of 19
What did Calonne seek?
More loans
15 of 19
When did Parlement refuse Calonne any more loans?
16 of 19
What did Calonne inform the King?
that state faced financial collapse and debt of over 100 million livres
17 of 19
What tax did Calonne change and to what?
Removed tax of the twentieth and replaced it with a single land tax paid by all
18 of 19
What did he propose the removal of?
internal customs barriers
19 of 19

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What did Turgot try to impose?


financial and economic reforms

Card 3


What did Turgot want with grain tax?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Turgot want with land tax?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why did the Paris Parlement refuse to register him?


Preview of the front of card 5
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