Almost President

  • Created by: A
  • Created on: 25-11-23 15:54
Why is an "almost President" worth studying or researching?
Despite that people may lose the election, they can still end up somehow changing the nation
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What is the name of the "Almost President" book on the powerpoint?
Almost President - Scott Farris
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After an election, there is a winner and loser, but...
-But we may not know for decades who was which
-Some are winners were non-entity while losers make a major difference
-Some losers still have some ideas - Bernie Sanders
-The book is about those who changed politics, not necessarily history
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Who and why are the losers important?
-Losers make democracy work - they get to speak first after the election is over when the loser admits defeat
-Chaos when there is not a good transition - e.g. Trump and Biden
-There has been no violence after election in the US- Al Gore conceded despite
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Other reasons why losers are important
-Losers are the ones who present new ideas while winners are often on the issues of the past
-Losers bring in new voters and coalition, but Obama was different
- Bring on a VP who is different- a game changer - Palin
-Losers think what they did wrong for
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Henry Clay - losing campaign
-Considered the greatest to never become President.
-He was in the House and Senate - was elected speaker of the house in the first win
-He transformed the speaker's role, who gets on the committee, when and how legislation was to move forward
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Who are the examples of names used in the book who were examples of "almost president"
-Henry Clay
-Stephen Douglas
-Barry Goldwater
-George McGovern
-Ross Perot
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Card 2


What is the name of the "Almost President" book on the powerpoint?


Almost President - Scott Farris

Card 3


After an election, there is a winner and loser, but...


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Card 4


Who and why are the losers important?


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Card 5


Other reasons why losers are important


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