Few definitions

From the Greek word "deon" meaning "duty". Deontological ethical theories maintain moral decisions are made out of a sense of duty.
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A teleological ethical theory looks solely at the consequences of an action- the end results on telos.
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Moral Absolutism
Moral absolutism is the ethical view that certain actions are absolutely right or wrong, regardless of other contexts such as their consequences or the intentions behind them.
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Moral Relativism
which holds that the morality (in the wide sense) of an act depends on the consequences or the context of the act.
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Certain things especially moral truths, are independent of personal or communal opinions, or values. Moral objectivists assert that the validity of ethical statements cannot matter of subjective personal choice.
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makes the claims that moral statements refer not to objective qualities or values but solely on human attitudes
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Happiness flourishing of state of contentment
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Card 2


A teleological ethical theory looks solely at the consequences of an action- the end results on telos.



Card 3


Moral absolutism is the ethical view that certain actions are absolutely right or wrong, regardless of other contexts such as their consequences or the intentions behind them.


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Card 4


which holds that the morality (in the wide sense) of an act depends on the consequences or the context of the act.


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Card 5


Certain things especially moral truths, are independent of personal or communal opinions, or values. Moral objectivists assert that the validity of ethical statements cannot matter of subjective personal choice.


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