Feminism and the family

Benston (1972)
NF, especially women;s nurturing role is important to capitalism as it produces and rears the future workforce at little cost to the capitalist state.
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ONS 2014 - Housework
Estimated ironing and laundry in the home was worth an estimated £97.2 billion.
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Ansley (1972)
"Women's are takers of sh*t". Capitalism has stripped male workers of power and control at work. The family absorbs alientation may lead to domestic violence and abuse. Wives act as safety valve.
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Issues with Marxist Feminists
-Dated. -Many NF's are now dual-career. -So,e women choose to live in capitalist families.
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Oakley (1981)
Gender inequality in the family is simply a product of discrimination by individuals and owners of instiuttions.
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Brookman (2000)
Interviews with violent men that killed their partners showed they perceived females and property and were violent to assert masculinity. 80% of cases the female was in the process of leaving or suscpected unfaithful.
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Somerville (2000)
'March of Progress' Women now have more choice as to whether to marry
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Globalisation led to the rise of the service secor and more exoxnomic power for women. "GENDERQUAKE" means women have radically different views.
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Delphy and Leonard (1992)
Husband's exploit wives despite genuinely loving them. A women's role is to flatter her husband and provide emotional support. Men rarely perform this for women.
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Millet (1970)
Men and women constitute seperate and often conflicting 'sex classes' and it's these classes responsible for gender inequality.
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Firestone (1971)
Women;s dependence on men derives from childbearing functions. Women should use new reproductive technologies and IVF
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Redfern and Aune (2013)
Conclude male violence against women takes many different forms e.g. marital ****, acid throwing and domestic violence as a result of values that see women as second class citizens.
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Greer (2000)
Argues in favour of matrifocal families.
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-Somerville and Hakim argue exploitation is exaggerated and most relationships are based on love and respect. -Neglects diversity of family type. -Many women chose to be mothers for satisfaction -Fail toaccount for socioeconomic changes.
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Card 2


Estimated ironing and laundry in the home was worth an estimated £97.2 billion.


ONS 2014 - Housework

Card 3


"Women's are takers of sh*t". Capitalism has stripped male workers of power and control at work. The family absorbs alientation may lead to domestic violence and abuse. Wives act as safety valve.


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Card 4


-Dated. -Many NF's are now dual-career. -So,e women choose to live in capitalist families.


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Card 5


Gender inequality in the family is simply a product of discrimination by individuals and owners of instiuttions.


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