Fatigue and the Recovery Process

* Stage 1 of the Recovery Process.
Fast Component / alactacid. Takes 2-4 minutes. Begins as soon as exercise stops. Replenishes ATP stores. Replenishes phospahte/PC stores. Reloads heamoglobin/myoglobing.
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* Stage 2 of the Recovery Process.
Slow component/lactacid. May take several hours. Elevated level of oxygen aid recovery - general removal of lactic acid. Converts lactic acid to glycogen. Electrolyte replenishment. Calcium Irons replaced within the muscles. Hormones - resting level.
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* Factors that determine the rate at which muscle glycogen stores are replenished.
Need to eat glucose to allow glycogen replenishment. Long process/slow component of recovery (stage 2). Glycogen can only be replenished through the aerobic pathway. Carbo loading/ glycogen gells & drinks can slow down the process or depletion. Windo
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* How can a runner maintain their glycogen stores during the race?
Pace themeselves/ run under the threshold. Take glucose drinks/gels/tablets during the race. Regular intake of CHO. Carbo-loading would delay deplation.
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* Define the term fatigue.
A reduce capacy to complete work/ meet the demands due to exhaustion resulting from overtraining.
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* Factors that can lead to Fatigue.
Lack of energy, lack of oxygen, depletion of calcium ions, build up of lactic acid, dehydration, overtraining, failure to acclimitaise, central governor theory, repeated eccentric contractions.
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* How does the Central Governor Theory challenge Traditional Theories of Fatigue.
CGT suggests that fatigue is an emotional response/ psychological (starts in brain) whilst traditional theories say it is physiological (starts in the muscles). CG suggests the brain paces the muscles to hold them back from becoming fatigued (do not
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* In the recovery phase, what strategies can athletes use to enhance restoration of ATP, PC and glycogen stores?
Eat CHO - whiting window of opportunity, use of CHO drinks & gels. Drink Fluids -sports drinks, avoid caffeine & alchohol. Sleep/rest, cool down, consume proteins i.e. protein shakes.
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* How does fuel depletion cause fatigue?
PC is depleted by high intensity exercise. PC is used up after 6-10 seconds. When used, performance slows down. ATP cannot be resynthesized at required rate i.e. sprinter. Muscle glycogen used anaerobically & aerobically. Muscle glycogen lasts 90 min
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Card 2


* Stage 2 of the Recovery Process.


Slow component/lactacid. May take several hours. Elevated level of oxygen aid recovery - general removal of lactic acid. Converts lactic acid to glycogen. Electrolyte replenishment. Calcium Irons replaced within the muscles. Hormones - resting level.

Card 3


* Factors that determine the rate at which muscle glycogen stores are replenished.


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Card 4


* How can a runner maintain their glycogen stores during the race?


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Card 5


* Define the term fatigue.


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