Factors affecting health

  • Created by: Angelika
  • Created on: 13-11-12 10:20
what do we call people who are badly out of balance ? (diet)
People whos diet is badly out of balance are said to be malnourished
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An unbalanced diet could be when people :
Eat too much or too little
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what can happen if you dont eat enough vitamin C?
Not eating enought vitamin C can cause scurvy
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what can eating too much lead to?
Eating too much can lead to obesity
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How can obesity happen?
Obesity can happen if somone eats too much carbohyrdates or fat
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What can obesity cause?
obesity can cause diabetes
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What are diabetes?
Diabetes is a condition where someone cant control the level of sugar in their blood
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What are the benefits of exercise?
Exercise increases the amount of energy used by the body decreases the amount stored as fat it also builds up muscle so it boosts your metabolic rate
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What can eating too little lead to?
Eating too little can lead to being underweight and malnourished
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what kind of disease can not eating enough vitamins and minerals cause?
Not eating enough vitamins or minerals can cause deficiency diseases
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What can inherited factors affect?
Inherited factors can affect the metabolic rate and cholesterol level
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what is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a substance made up of fat and it is needed for good health it is found in all of our cells
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What can happen if you have too much cholesterol in your body?
If you have too much cholesterol you can become obese
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Why does somone become obese? How does it happen?
Somone can become obese because not as much energy is burned
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Some inherited factors increase blood cholesterol level, what can this cause/increase?
It can increase the risk of heart disease
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Card 2


An unbalanced diet could be when people :


Eat too much or too little

Card 3


what can happen if you dont eat enough vitamin C?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what can eating too much lead to?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can obesity happen?


Preview of the front of card 5
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