explainations of attachment - bowbly monotropic theory ( critical period and internal working model)

  • Created by: paris b
  • Created on: 25-04-17 20:02

1. whos study supports the internal working model theory

  • isebella 2008
  • brazelton 2007
  • bailey 2007
  • schaffer and emerson 1990
1 of 15

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2. what is the law of accumulated seperation

  • when the parent leaves the child, the child holds a grudge aganst them
  • every seperation from the primary caregiver adds up and effects the child
  • every speration from the primary caregiver adds up and effects the child
  • every speration from the secondary caregiver adds up and effects the child

3. what does this evidence support ' mothers who had poor attachments to their mothers were more likely to have poor relationships with their babies'

  • internal working model
  • social releasers
  • conformity
  • monotopy

4. who's study does not support monotropy

  • schaffer and emerson
  • isebella
  • bailey
  • brazelton

5. what does this evidence support ' if there mothers stopped responding to the babies social releasers the babies were distressed'

  • conformity
  • internal working model
  • social releasers
  • monotropy


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