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6. if a child does not form an attachment within the critical period what happens?

  • they will form unhealthy attachments
  • it is harder for them to form strong attachments in the future
  • they will never for attachments to anyone
  • nothing, they will form normal attachments

7. what does monotropic mean?

  • having a bond wit their mum
  • having a bond with one particular caregiver
  • having a bond with their dad
  • having a bond with a primary caregiver

8. what does this evidence not support ' 30% of babies formed multiple attachments'

  • social releasers
  • internal working model
  • monotropy
  • conformity

9. what year did bowlby come up with the monotropic theory?

  • 1996
  • 1969
  • 1949
  • 1946

10. to form an attachment the relationship needs to be..

  • innate
  • reciprocal
  • intense
  • monotropic

11. who's study does not support monotropy

  • brazelton
  • isebella
  • schaffer and emerson
  • bailey

12. what is the law of continuity

  • the less time and predictable the childs care the better the attchment
  • the better quality of play the better the bond
  • more constant and predictable the childs care the better quality attachment
  • the mor etime and less predictable the childs care the stronger the bond

13. whos study supports the internal working model theory

  • bailey 2007
  • isebella 2008
  • brazelton 2007
  • schaffer and emerson 1990

14. who's study supports social releasers

  • schaffer and emerson
  • brazelton
  • bailey
  • isebella

15. when does the critical period end?

  • there is not such a thing
  • 2 years
  • 6 months
  • 1 year