Experiences as foundations of religion

St Paul - How is it a foundation?
Teaches about forgiveness and conversion, shows the power of God
1 of 7
St Paul - Why is it important today?
Impact on ideas on relations with other religions, Extremists in view go against the Lord (shown in Paul's persecution of Christians)
2 of 7
St Paul - What was directly caused by it?
People feared God's wrath and believed more in the Holy Spirit
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St Paul - Links to today's religion
The concept of forgiveness is hugely important in the modern day
4 of 7
Moses - How is it a foundation?
Gave perminant guidelines for people to follow in their faith
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Moses - Why is it important today?
Jews still follow and refer to these rules
6 of 7
Moses - Link to today's religion
Many laws in the UK are based on the Ten Commandments, still used in Christian lives/church services to give guidance
7 of 7

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Card 2


St Paul - Why is it important today?


Impact on ideas on relations with other religions, Extremists in view go against the Lord (shown in Paul's persecution of Christians)

Card 3


St Paul - What was directly caused by it?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


St Paul - Links to today's religion


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Moses - How is it a foundation?


Preview of the front of card 5
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