Expansion work and specific heat capacity

Define infinitesimal
An immeasurabky small quantity that is still greater than zero
1 of 15
State the equation involvig P,U,H and V
2 of 15
Give the equation for irreversible expansion work
w= -p_ext(V_f-V_i)=-p_ext*deltaV
3 of 15
Give the equation for reversible expansion work
w=-nRT*ln(V_f/V_i) --> assuming p_ext is not constant and we are dealing with an ideal gas
4 of 15
Define equilibrium
When the system and surroundings have the same temperature,pressure and chemical potential
5 of 15
Define specific heat capacity and give an equation
The amount of heat required to raise a quantity of a susbstance by 1 degree. The partial derivative of q which respect to T [c= ∂q/∂T]
6 of 15
What is the rule of thumb in finding c for metallic solids?
c =3R
7 of 15
Give an equation for the specific heat capacity for constant volume systems
c_v =(∂V/∂T)_V
8 of 15
Give an equation for the specific heat capacity for constant pressure systems
c_p =(∂H/∂T)_p (at constant pressure dH=dq)
9 of 15
How is energy stored in an ideal gas?
It is stored in motion. There is equipartition of energy states that each direction (x,y,z) of motion contributes 1/2*K_B*T per molecule; R=K_B*N_A
10 of 15
What is the relationship between specific heat capacity and the molar gas constant? (for constant volume systems
11 of 15
How is energy stored in solids?
Through vibrations. C_v=3R
12 of 15
Where is energy stored?
In atomic binds and attractive interactions, phases and phase changes.
13 of 15
Define 'phase'
Group of particles with uniform set of physical properties.
14 of 15
What is a phase change?
Energetic interactions that creates different arrangements and a different uniform set of physical properties.
15 of 15

Other cards in this set

Card 2


State the equation involvig P,U,H and V



Card 3


Give the equation for irreversible expansion work


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Card 4


Give the equation for reversible expansion work


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Card 5


Define equilibrium


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